Sunday, January 29, 2012

95% Pariah

"Pariah," from first-time writer/director Dee Rees, doesn't break much artistic ground. It tells the same gay/lesbian coming-out story that we've seen a million times. But it's told particularly well and from within a black urban context, which I don't believe has been done before. It also goes a bit deeper into the hearts and minds of the homophobic parents than typically is done, which was great. Unfortunately, it only scratches those surfaces. Kim Wayans, who of course has a long history in comedy, shows she has major dramatic talent, playing the homophobic mother of the main character. The cast is universally good, but Wayans is the stand-out. The main character is a black teenage girl in Brooklyn going through the coming-out process. She has fully come out to herself as a lesbian, and she has even found her way into a lesbian circle of friends. She even frequents a women's night club. But she hasn't told Mom or Dad about any of this, both of whom are homophobic. Mom is particularly venomous in her hatred of gays and lesbians. You can see that Dad, a detective in the NYPD, in his heart of hearts is not a bigot. Thrown into the mix to complicate things a little bit is a bisexual girl eager to have lesbian experiences to explore herself. But she tosses lesbians aside like useless candy wrappers after she's had her fun. If I were going to give Dee Rees advice, I would say this: Ms. Rees, in "Pariah" you started digging into the parent characters with some real psychological and artistic depth. I encourage you to go more deeply in that direction. I think your true gifts as an artist lie there. I would give anything to see a sequel where you explore what happened to that mother and what she's really fighting. You hint that her husband is beginning to stray, but I think there's more in there. Help us see it. Remember when that great schoolteacher tells Alike that she could "go deeper" with her poetry? You could go deeper with your films. I know you could.

January 1, 2012


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Just Show Me: Great free to-do apps for your iPhone (Yahoo! News)

Welcome to?Just Show Me on?Tecca TV, where we show you tips and tricks for getting the most out of the?gadgets in your life. In today's episode we'll show you two amazing to-do apps for your?iPhone.

In addition to the Reminders app that comes on iOS 5 devices, these to-do apps will help you stay on task like never before! You'll be able to sync your to-dos with multiple devices; including on your web browser and on your iPhone. Check 'em out and?increase your productivity!

Take a look at these other episodes of Just Show Me that'll help you become an iPhone master:

For even more episodes of Just Show Me?check out our complete episode list. If you have any topics you'd like to see us cover, just drop us a line in the comments.

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Feisty Gingrich stakes campaign on electability (AP)

SARASOTA, Fla. ? Newt Gingrich has staked his presidential bid on one idea: that he is best positioned to defeat President Barack Obama. Even some of his supporters seem to be struggling to buy the former House speaker's claim, an indication that chief rival Mitt Romney's efforts to undercut him may be working.

"Beating Obama is more important than everything else," Patrick Roehl, a 51-year-old computer software engineer, said in the midst of a packed Gingrich rally inside a Sarasota airport hangar this week. "Can Newt win? I'm not sure. He's got a lot of high negatives. The elections are won and lost in the middle. I'm not sure he appeals to the middle."

John Grainger, a 44-year-old assistant golf pro, doesn't like Romney. But he's having trouble shaking skepticism about Gingrich.

"I want to be a Newt supporter," he said. "This guy's going to have the guts to stand up and speak his piece ? no holds barred." But Grainger said he wasn't quite ready to back the former House speaker.

Interviews with more than a dozen Republican voters at Gingrich's overflowing rallies this week suggest that while many Florida voters love his brash style as they look for someone to take it to Obama, they also have lingering doubts about whether the Republican's intellectual bomb-throwing alone will make him the strongest Obama opponent.

Romney and his allies have spent a week working to stoke those doubts with Florida Republicans ahead of Tuesday's primary. And the GOP's establishment wing has started to help the former Massachusetts governor make that case by castigating Gingrich at every turn.

On television and on the campaign trail, Romney and his allies have steadily highlighted Gingrich's liabilities ? consulting contracts and ethics investigations among them. And they've suggested that more baggage could emerge in the fall, when the Republican nominee would be at the height of a general election battle against Obama.

"In the case of the speaker, he's got some records which could represent an October surprise," Romney said this week, referring to Gingrich's consulting work and ethics allegations when he was in the House. "We could see an October surprise a day from Newt Gingrich."

An outside group dedicated to helping Romney has spent almost $9 million on Florida television advertising, including a massive $4 million investment this week alone, to make the case even more explicitly.

"Newt Gingrich's tough talk sounds good, but Newt has tons of baggage. How will he ever beat Obama?" says the new ad from the so-called super PAC, Restore Our Future.

Gingrich, to be sure, is not letting such criticism go unanswered. He's telling everyone ? on the trail, in television interviews, on conference calls and in fundraising messages ? that he alone can defeat Obama. He points to his 12 percentage point victory in the South Carolina primary as proof.

Exit polling there showed that the majority of Republican voters, 51 percent, said that Gingrich was better suited to defeat the Democratic president.

"Their highest value was beating Obama," Gingrich told evangelical voters this week. "And if they thought Romney was the only person who could beat Obama, then they would swallow a lie. But the minute they thought there were two people who could beat Obama, they suddenly turned and said, Well, you know, maybe we should be for Newt."

Polls suggest that Gingrich could defeat Romney in Florida, a surge fueled partly by growing support from the tea party movement and continued anti-Romney sentiment. Gingrich drew massive crowds at venues across Florida this week.

But in those swelling crowds were conservatives who said they were drawn less by Gingrich's electability than his fiery rhetoric.

"He's a fighter. Mitt, I think, is too wishy-washy," said Dominique Boscia, a 43-year-old unemployed woman from Lakewood Ranch. "I like feisty people. I like people who have spunk."

That's certainly Gingrich. For months, he has used aggressive debate performances to fuel his underdog candidacy. He has consistently thrilled conservatives by promising to take the fight directly to Obama in a series of free-form debates modeled after the 1860 meetings between Illinois Senate candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas.

Should Obama refuse, Gingrich says he'll follow the president on the campaign trail until he agrees.

That gets good applause lines at rallies. But a closer look at polling suggests that a debate beat down doesn't necessarily mean Gingrich can beat the president in an election that will include independents and Democrats.

Gingrich struggled among independents in a recent Washington Post-ABC News national poll, in which 53 percent gave him unfavorable marks and just 22 percent had a favorable opinion of the former House speaker. While Romney has typically polled better among independents, the poll ? conducted between Jan. 18 and 22 ? found virtually no difference: 51 percent of independents viewed him unfavorably, compared with 23 with favorable views.

But when all Florida voters, including independents and Democrats, are asked to weigh in, Romney appears to have a strong advantage over Gingrich, according to a poll conducted by Suffolk University-WSVN-TV Miami. Romney would defeat Obama here 47 percent to 42 percent; Gingrich would lose, earning just 40 percent to Obama's 49 percent of likely Florida general election voters.


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Facebook takes on 'clickjacking' spammers in court (Reuters)

SEATTLE (Reuters) ? Facebook and the state of Washington sued a company on Thursday they accused of a practice called "clickjacking" that fools users of the world's top social network into visiting advertising sites, divulging personal information and spreading the scam to friends.

The scheme, also known as "likejacking" because victims are tricked into using Facebook's "Like" button to perpetuate it, has grossed $1.2 million a month for the Delaware-based firm, Adscend Media, according to the state attorney general's office.

Adscend profits from the scam by collecting money from its advertising clients for every Facebook user unwittingly misdirected to a target ad or subscription service, the plaintiffs said.

Two separate but similar claims filed in federal court by the state and Facebook accuse Adscend of violating federal and state statutes outlawing misleading or deceptive commercial electronic communications and unfair business practices.

The legal action is believed to mark the first time any state government has gone to court in a crackdown against spam spread by Facebook, the world's most widely used social media network, said Paula Selis, senior counsel for the attorney general.

She said schemes such as clickjacking have grown steadily more pervasive, and that millions of Facebook users have probably been exposed to Adscend's spam.

"Security is an arms race," Ted Ullyot, Facebook's general counsel, told a news conference at the California-based company's Seattle office to announce the lawsuits. "It's important to stay a step ahead against spammers and scammers."

Attorney General Rob McKenna, a Republican running for governor, said Washington state was taking action because "we've brought other cases like this and, more than any other state, we've developed technological and legal expertise" in the field of cyber fraud.

Representatives of Adscend or two co-owners also named as defendants could not immediately be reached for comment.


As described in the lawsuits, the scam works as follows:

Facebook pages designed as "bait" are disseminated to social network users as posts that seemingly originate from friends, offering visitors an opportunity to view salacious or provocative content.

However, that viewing is contingent on completing a series of steps that will supposedly unlock the content but are actually designed to lure Facebook users onto other sites, where they are tricked into giving away personal information or signing up for expensive mobile subscription services.

First the victims are encouraged to click the "Like" button on the Facebook "bait" page, which then alerts their friends to the page's existence, thus helping propagate it. Then they are told they cannot reach the content without filling out a form for an online survey or advertising offer.

In one example cited, the "Like" button is overlayed with a link labeled: "This man took a picture of his face every day for 8 years!" The promised content often does not exist, and the user instead is directed through a series of prompts taking them off Facebook and to a string of ads and subscription offers.

In some cases, a hidden code embedded in an enticing link on the "bait" page activates the "Like" button without the user even clicking it, sending it to friends' news feeds.

Selis said it may seem unlikely that anyone would click on such links, "but unfortunately they do."

While the number of Facebook users actually scammed by clickjacking is not known, Selis said investigators have determined that some 280,000 users visited the locked content pages of Adscend during February 2011 alone.

"So we know there are probably millions of Facebook users" exposed to the deception, she said.

Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said the Adscend action was the latest in "our pursuit and support for civil and criminal consequences for spammers or others who attempt to harm Facebook or the people who use our service."

He cited three federal court judgments worth several hundred million dollars each obtained by Facebook against spammers since 2008.

(Additional reporting and writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Cynthia Johnston)


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Friday, January 27, 2012

Amid tears, Giffords bids her farewell to Congress (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The applause rolled through the big chamber, growing ever louder as hundreds of Republicans and Democrats suddenly realized Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was back in the House.

But this time she had come to say goodbye.

Fellow lawmakers gave her a fitting send-off: cheers, hugs, a cascade of tributes and plenty of tears in a rare moment of political unity.

A year since that fateful Saturday morning when Giffords was severely wounded during a shooting rampage in her home district, the Arizona congresswoman resigned on Wednesday with a plea for civility ? and a hint that she'll be back on the national stage. For now, the 41-year-old said, her movements and speech still halting, she needs to focus on her recovery.

For all the kind words showered on her, Giffords reflected in her resignation letter about a level of respect that seems like an aberration these days in a bitterly divided Washington.

In her five years in Congress, she said, "Always I fought for what I thought was right. But never did I question the character of those with whom I disagreed. Never did I let pass an opportunity to join hands with someone just because he or she held different ideals."

Said Republican Rep. Ted Poe of Texas in the first of many tributes: "Gabby is the spirit of bipartisanship that we should all learn from."

Giffords' friend Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., became emotional before reading Giffords' resignation letter in the well of the House. Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., held Giffords' hand. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, cried after Giffords slowly made her way to the podium and handed him the envelope with her resignation letter.

Last January, a gunman opened fire at Giffords' "Congress on Your Corner" event in Tucson, killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl and a federal judge and wounding 13, including Giffords who suffered a gunshot wound to her head. She has spent the past year recovering, showing up in the House just once last August to vote on raising the nation's borrowing authority.

That appearance stirred speculation about her political future and whether she would seek another term or even pursue an open Senate seat.

Giffords put that talk to rest on Sunday, announcing in a Web video that she would resign this week. On Monday, she met with survivors of the shootings in Arizona, , finishing the event that she had started outside a supermarket. On Tuesday night, she received thunderous applause and a hug from President Barack Obama at his State of the Union address.

Colleagues and friends stood with her, Flake by her side. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., had her back.

On Wednesday, Republicans and Democrats turned a morning debate over Giffords' last bill into a forum to praise her work and perseverance.

"We haven't seen the last of Gabby Giffords," said Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas. "I believe ... whatever the future holds for her she has made this a better place."

Around 10 a.m., Giffords entered the chamber through the main door, the same one Obama used the previous night. Wasserman Schultz assisted her as she made her way down the aisle, greeted warmly by colleagues with kisses and hugs. She sat in the front row for a flurry of tributes. In the gallery sat her mother, Gloria, and husband, retired Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, the former astronaut.

"All of us come to the floor today ... to salute her as the brightest star among us, the brightest star Congress has ever seen," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said he received a call from Kelly on Sunday informing him of Giffords' plans to resign. He said Giffords' "strength against all odds serves and will continue to serve as a daily inspiration to all of us."

Said Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., "The House of Representative has been made proud by this extraordinary daughter of the House. Gabby, we love you, we have missed you."

Prolonged standing ovations and spontaneous whoops marked the tributes. Giffords briefly waved at Kelly and her mother when their names were mentioned.

Surrounded by colleagues and friends, Giffords stood in the well of the chamber to resign. Wasserman Schultz read her two-page letter to Boehner.

"Everyday, I am working hard," Giffords wrote. "I will recover and will return, and we will work together again, for Arizona and for all Americans."

She purposefully made it to the podium to deliver the letter to Boehner.

Moments later, the House, including Giffords, voted for her final piece of legislation ? a bill that would impose tougher penalties on smugglers who use small, low-flying aircraft to avoid radar detection and bring drugs across the Mexican border.

The vote was 408-0. The Senate, which recently passed a version of the bill, is expected to vote Thursday on the measure and send it to Obama for his signature.

Giffords submitted resignation letters to both Boehner and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer. It falls to Brewer to set a date for a special primary and general election to fill the Arizona seat. That will probably happen in the spring or early summer. In November, voters will choose someone for the full two-year term.

After the tribute, Kelly said his wife realized stepping down was the right thing to do.

"But I'm more optimistic than anybody else about her future. She just needs some more time, whether it's a year or two years or three years, I'm very confident she's going to have a long and effective career as a public servant," he said.

Asked about her daughter's future, Gloria Giffords said, "I kind of think she's transcended Congress. I don't know where she's going to end up."

"She's remembered every boy she's ever kissed, every song she's ever sang, every bill she's ever passed," she said. "So upward and onward."


Associated Press writers Alan Fram and Jim Abrams contributed to this report.


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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fans Would Miss Work or a Child's Birth to Attend the Super Bowl (

American adults would be willing to miss a number of major life events, including essential work obligations, to attend a Super Bowl featuring their favorite NFL team, a new survey reveals.

More than 20 percent of those surveyed by said they would skip out on important work responsibilities, vacations and the wedding of a close friend or family member in order to see their team play in football's championship game.

Football fans also said they'd be willing to miss the funeral of a loved one and the birth of their child, according to the survey.

The game's widespread popularity among Americans is evidenced by the 56 percent of surveyed U.S. adults who said they plan to watch the Super Bowl this year.

The research shows not everyone who turns on the game is a football fanatic. Nearly 40 percent of those surveyed tune in primarily for the commercials, and a third said they watch the game because it's fun to go to a Super Bowl party.

And though many will try their hand at winning a few bucks by gambling on the big game, the study finds not too many strike it rich on the Super Bowl. Just 7 percent of those who gambled on it in the past reported winning more than $500.

The research was based on surveys of 2,625 U.S. adults ages 18 and older.

This story was provided by BusinessNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience, had Brooks is a Chicago-based freelance writer who spent 10 years working as a newspaper reporter before entering public relations. You can reach him at? follow him on Twitter @cbrooks76.


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Auto insurance rates examined by lawmakers -

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RALEIGH -- Right now more than 150 insurance companies offer auto insurance in North Carolina. The rates drivers pay for that insurance is among the lowest in the country.

?Currently we have the lowest average car insurance rates in the South,? said Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin, ?and I mean the 'big South' -- Delaware to Texas.?

Some insurance providers said that rate could be lower if state laws were changed. The big question surrounds the state's reinsurance facility. This is where insurance companies send customers they consider to be higher risk drivers, and it acts as an insurance policy of sorts for the insurance company.

In North Carolina almost 20 percent of all auto policies are sent there. A vast majority of those drivers are what are known as "clean risk." That is an industry term given to drivers who don't have points on their license or conviction, but are considered more risky by some standards set by the insurance provider.

Only about 25 percent of those in the pool are actually high risk drivers.

In North Carolina you have to provide all drivers insurance. Therefore, reinsurance facility is the backup for the risky drivers. To pay for the facility, all insurance policies in the state are charged a 4.3 percent surcharge each year, which works out to about $17 a year.

Insurance companies said without the reinsurance facility companies have more freedom. What that freedom means is up for debate at the legislative building.

?When fully implemented, it will result in 85 percent of North Carolina drivers paying less than they would have otherwise had to pay,? says John McMillan with the Insurance Federation of NC.

Lee Morton, with Nationwide Insurance counters, ?About 992 thousand North Carolina policy holders will face an increase in their automobile insurance premium. This is indisputable.?

This disagreement within the insurance industry has created multiple proposals being sent to lawmakers to change things, and no clear answer for lawmakers on what if anything should be done.


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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

[OOC] Bad Hands | Profile Makin' & FAQ!

Forum rules
This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.

Please post all "Players Wanted" threads in the Roleplayers Wanted forum!

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Bad Hands?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
[I'd like an index here but we'd need actual FAQ threads to link to, first. xDDD]

Full name:

Wudge's Guide to a Plus Profile!

That's Tae's idea of a title. Not mine. Ain't she sho clever.

Ah~hem~hem~hem. Greetings! Wudge here, your delicious co-gummy, reporting for duty. It seems mighty unfair to throw you guys into the judging fray without any idea of what we're looking for, so I'm here to sorta rectify that. Belated though this is. I'M SORRRRYYYYYYYYYY

(No fancy formatting until demanded. Also Tae has the right to completely rewrite everything and demand I post her version. Might be updated!)

And yeah, I did cheat and pull a few from a nearby elsewhere, sue me.


  • Be Open-Minded!~ An agreeable attitude goes a looong way. xD Your character just barely meeting the requirements? I let you in anyway! Because you're so damned cool....!! >///0///<;;;
    But seriously, acting like a sourpuss when we point something out as "not working" or just plain failing to suspend disbelief; being overly defensive and taking everything personally... no one likes that. So avoid doing it if you're sincere about wanting to get in.
  • Life. Trick me into believing your OC is out there wandering the streets. Make him real and believable. Try to not pull too much from yourself, because the Wudge does not like self-inserts, but we want our suspension of disbelief to remain suspended please! "Round" and "depth" are two words you should love and invite over for dinner on a daily basis.
  • Originality. Look at what other people are doing, and be as different from them as possible. We want special snowflakes here. I don't mean you have the right to make your OC overpowered in any damned way, I mean they should stand out from the crowd. But Wudge!! You just said you wanted him to be realistic...! Yeah, find a way to balance the two, because they're equally important. Stand out from the roleplay world, blend into reality: That's your goal.
  • Go get plastic surgery: attach an annoying little brother to your arm. You will need his constant "Why?"s and "How?"s. Try to always have a reason your character is the way he is. Back shit up with more shit. You are piloting a fail boat upside down if you put one-word responses to more than five fields in the character skeleton. DEEEETAAAAAIIIILLL! It will only help!
  • Try not to let your character be "the best" at anything. No, not even bowling. Though if they're just so narcissistic they only think they're godly at things, and that's fine and dandy!
  • Don't overdo the trauma llama. Angst and drama fuel for no reason are just... no. Please. I mean it. It's been done to death. Enough with the being raped by family, enough with the long lost cheating lovers, enough with the dead wife and kids and parents, enough with inexplicably regretting inexplicable violent tendencies, just stoooooop.
  • DON'T FUCK WITH THE NPCS. H'okay, Wudge, calm down now.... But both on the profile and in the rp: NPCs are people, too, guys. Just because they're not in the spotlight, doesn't mean they're all mindless drones. They are not all in love with your character. They are not all afraid of your character. They are not all gullible and stupid guardsmen who are knocked out with a mere roundhouse kick. Treat them with at least a little respect, from you as a roleplayer. In fact, I'd strongly advise you to just leave NPC-ing to me and Tae, or else dabble with them as little as possible.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New tool enhances view of muscles

ScienceDaily (Jan. 23, 2012) ? Simon Fraser University associate professor James Wakeling is adding to the arsenal of increasingly sophisticated medical imaging tools with a new signal-processing method for viewing muscle activation details that have never been seen before.

Fascinated with the mechanics of muscle movement in people and animals, Wakeling has developed a novel method using ultrasound imaging, 3-D motion-capture technology and proprietary data-processing software to scan and capture 3-D maps of the muscle structure -- in just 90 seconds.

It's a medical-imaging breakthrough because previous methods took 15 minutes to do the job -- far too long to ask people to hold a muscle contraction.

The key to the breakthrough is the way the software processes the data, says Wakeling, who teaches in SFU's department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology. He developed the software with graduate student Manku Rana.

"Now, we can get people to do muscle contractions and we can actually see how the internal structure of the muscle changes," he says.

Wakeling's goal is to improve the muscle models used in musculoskeletal simulation software that predicts how people move and the forces on their joints.

Current packages are missing important information about muscle contraction, such as how the muscle shape changes, how it bulges, or how the internal muscle fibres become more curved -- all details that Wakeling's technology can capture.

Wakeling hopes his research will ultimately lead to new software programs for predicting the outcome of orthopaedic surgeries such as tendon-transfers for treating conditions like cerebral palsy in children.

"We're poised to start making new observations and insights," he says, "and to do new experiments that haven't been possible before."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Simon Fraser University.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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The Simple Wooden Tokyo Home Office [Featured Workspace]

The Simple Wooden Tokyo Home OfficeNatural light, beautiful wood, and simple minimalistic design only seems to turn out well for a workspace, and such is the case with Flickr user Fat Jaiii's apartment in Tokyo. There isn't going on, but the simple setup and beautiful wooden floors and furniture make for an attractive and functional home office. The picture above is only one view, and you'll want to see this workspace from other angles. Be sure to hit up Fat Jaiii's flickr stream or visit his web site for more.

If you have a workspace of your own to show off, throw the pictures on your Flickr account and add it to the Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell Pool. Include some details about your setup and why it works for you, and you just might see it featured on the front page of Lifehacker.

My apartment in Tokyo | Fat Jaiii on Flickr


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Monday, January 23, 2012

Newt's Tampa Trip (TIME)

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Pawn Business Booming | WJTV

"We?ll take just about anything," comments the owner of USA Pawn & Jewelry.

But, Brian Smith says, gold is probably the most popular item to pawn.

"Gold has gone way up.? It?s tripled in the last couple of years," explains Smith.

They?ve also gotten a lot of electronics, computers and firearms.

"We want to loan you the most money we can.? The more I loan you, the more I make," comments Smith.

Smith tells us, there have been times when people have tried to sell them stolen items.

"We don't want the stolen stuff.? We lose.? Police pick it up, and we lose the money we put in it," expresses Smith.

And, they do research to make sure the items are valid.

"We have a process to see if it's theirs or not.? Where did you get it, how much you pay for it, how much you want to borrow, can you hook it up for me," continues Smith.

They also have a strong retail business, which helps in a down economy.

"We sell all the same stuff as high end jewelry stores and all the electronic stores at a fraction of the price," adds Smith.


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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Asthma Meds Likely Safe During Pregnancy: Study (HealthDay)

FRIDAY, Jan. 20 (HealthDay News) -- A new study found no statistically significant link between asthma medication use during pregnancy and common birth defects.

However, the study did find a positive association between some rare birth defects and mothers with asthma, and potentially with their medication use. But, the researchers couldn't tease out whether the problem was a loss of oxygen from less than well-controlled asthma or an effect of medications.

"Worsening asthma is a risk to the mom and the fetus. Hypoxia (a lack of oxygen) we know is a problem for a developing fetus. And, the potential risk they found here is very small. Even if it turns out to be a true increase, the risk is so small. This study raises more questions than it answers," said Dr. Natalie Meirowitz, chief of the division of maternal fetal medicine at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y.

What's most important, she said, is that expectant mothers with asthma don't just stop their medications. "That's really a problem, and then they end up needing more medication," she said.

Findings from the study were published online Jan. 16, ahead of February print publication in Pediatrics.

Between 4 percent and 12 percent of expectant mothers have asthma, according to background information in the article. Current guidelines recommend that women keep taking their asthma medications during pregnancy.

There are two main types of asthma medications: bronchodilators (also known as rescue medication) and anti-inflammatories, which include inhaled and oral steroids, as well as several other medications. Anti-inflammatory medications are generally used long term to help control asthma symptoms.

For the study, the researchers compared nearly 2,900 infants born with birth defects to more than 6,700 babies born with no birth defects. Mothers of these infants were asked to recall their medication use one month before and during pregnancy.

For most birth defects, the researchers found no statistically significant associations between asthma medication use and the development of birth defects.

They did, however, find a positive association between asthma medication use and certain rare birth defects. The risk of isolated esophageal atresia -- an abnormality of the esophagus -- was more than doubled in women who used bronchodilators. The risk of isolated anorectal atresia -- a malformed anus -- was more than doubled with maternal anti-inflammatory use. And, the risk of omphalocele -- a defect in the abdominal wall -- was more than quadrupled for either type of asthma medication.

But, the authors wrote, the "observed associations may be chance findings or may be the result of maternal asthma severity and related hypoxia rather than the medication use."

They added that it's also important to keep these findings in context. The rate of these birth defects ranged from 1.2 to 4.6 per 10,000 births. So, even a four-fold increase in the risk of having one of these defects results in far less than a 1 percent chance for any individual woman and her child.

"As obstetricians, we need to pay attention to this, but it's really important to oxygenate mom. We really need to make sure that there's oxygen flowing freely between mom and baby," said Dr. Mary Rosser, an obstetrician with Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.

Also, Rosser pointed out that there was a lot that wasn't known about the expectant mothers. The authors weren't able to assess the severity of their asthma. They also didn't know anything about the medication doses.

Asthma expert Dr. Jennifer Appleyard agreed with Rosser and Meirowitz. "They really couldn't tease apart what was the medicine and what was the asthma," she said.

"You need to treat the asthma. There's more risk to uncontrolled asthma than a slight possible risk of a rare birth defect," said Appleyard, the chief of allergy and immunology at St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit.

"No matter what type of patient you're treating -- expectant mom or not -- the goal is to treat patients with the minimum amount of medication necessary," she added.

Rosser and Meirowitz said that, ideally, women should visit their obstetrician/gynecologist before getting pregnant to review their medication use and to make sure that their asthma is well controlled.

More information

Learn more about asthma during pregnancy from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.


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Markets rally as France, Spain clear bond hurdle (AP)

LONDON ? Another set of successful bond auctions in Europe and renewed confidence in the continent's banks helped markets rally Thursday as investors awaited developments in Greece's debt-reduction talks with private creditors.

Strong bank earnings out of the U.S. from Bank of America and Morgan Stanley, as well as a bigger reduction in weekly U.S. jobless claims, helped to shore up sentiment even further as Wall Street trading began.

European banks, including those considered particularly susceptible to a further outbreak of unease in Europe, such as France's Societe Generale and Italy's UniCredit, were further buoyed by the news that Germany's second-largest bank, Commerzbank AG, won't need help from shareholders or the government to boost its capital base.

The mood in financial markets has been fairly upbeat over the past couple of weeks and much of the optimism stems from a growing sense that Europe's debt crisis, though not solved by any means, has stabilized to an extent.

The ability of France and Spain to tap investors for money at what were largely affordable rates, in spite of last week's downgrade of their credit ratings by Standard & Poor's, reinforced that view.

"European developments are once again at the forefront, with today's European debt auctions proceeding smoothly," said Nick Bennenbroek, an analyst at Wells Fargo Bank.

By early afternoon in Europe, France's CAC-40 was up 1.5 percent at 3,313 while Germany's DAX rose 0.6 percent to 6,393. The FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was 0.4 percent higher at 5,725.

The recent easing in concerns over Europe's debt crisis has helped the euro clamber off Monday's 17-month low against the dollar below $1.27. It's now trading at $1.2890, up 0.2 percent on the day.

In the U.S., the Dow Jones industrial average was up 0.1 percent at 12,591 while the broader Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 0.2 percent to 1,311.

The recent optimism could all disappear though if Greece fails to successfully conclude its debt-reduction negotiations with the Institute of International Finance, which represents private sector bondholders. Talks are set to continue later, having restarted Wednesday.

Greece needs to clinch the agreement quickly to qualify for more bailout loans before it faces a major bond repayment on March 20. Without the money, the country would find it difficult to service its debts and be forced to default, potentially triggering more turmoil in global markets.

Last October, Greece's partners in the eurozone sanctioned a deal whereby Greece's creditors agree to take a cut in the value of their Greek bond holdings to help lighten the country's debt burden. The deal with private investors aims to reduce Greece's debt by euro100 billion ($127.9 billion) by swapping private creditors' bonds for new ones with a lower value. It is a key part of a euro130 billion international bailout, the second one for Greece.

Hopes that a deal is being thrashed out has helped shore up sentiment in markets in recent days as has the IMF's revelation that it aims to raise up to $500 billion to meet its $1 trillion financing needs in coming years. The new money to be raised includes $200 billion that European countries recently agreed to hand the IMF.

Earlier in Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 index rose 1 percent to close at 8,639.68. South Korea's Kospi rebounded 1.2 percent to 1,914.97 after a losing session Wednesday. Hong Kong's Hang Seng rose 1.3 percent at 19,942.95.

Oil prices tracked equities higher ? benchmark oil for February delivery was up 93 cents to $101.52 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.


Pamela Sampson in Bangkok contributed to this report.


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Saturday, January 21, 2012

W.Va. unemployment rate increases in December (AP)

CHARLESTON, W.Va. ? West Virginia's unemployment rate rose to 7.7 percent in December, up from 7.1 percent in November.

WorkForce West Virginia says there remained 59,600 unemployed residents, with total unemployment down 13,400.

A loss of 4,100 jobs in the goods-producing sector like construction, mining and manufacturing countered a gain of 500 jobs in the service-providing sector that includes educational and health services, and professional and business services.

Government employment declined by 300, trade, transportation and utilities jobs declined by 200. Other declines included 200 in information and 100 in leisure and hospitality.

The state's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained at 7.9 percent in December. That's compared to the national rate of 8.5 percent.


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Pakistan crisis: PM faces top court in contempt case

Pakistan's prime minister made a rare appearance before the Supreme Court Thursday in attempt to avoid being held in contempt for refusing to reopen an old corruption case against the president.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told the court that he believes the president cannot being prosecuted because he enjoys immunity while in office.

The court launched contempt proceedings against Gilani earlier in the week for failing to obey a long-standing order to write a letter to Swiss authorities asking them to reopen a graft case against President Asif Ali Zardari dating back to the late 1990s.

"It is my conviction that he (Zardari) has complete immunity inside and outside the country," Gilani told the court. "In the constitution, there is complete immunity for the president. There is no doubt about that."

The immediate battle is about Gilani, but the larger political crisis is about Zardari and the fate of his government, the longest-running civilian administration in Pakistan's coup-marred history.

If Gilani is charged with contempt of court for failing to follow court orders, he could be disqualified from office and forced to resign.

That would further increase the pressure on the unpopular civilian government and the risk of instability in the nuclear-armed ally in America's war on militancy.

Thursday's adjournment did nothing to settle the issue, and was mainly to allow Gilani to explain his position.

After the hearing, a confident-looking Gilani appeared outside the court smiling and waving.

If found in contempt, Gilani could face up to six months in prison and be disqualified from holding office.

The court will resume hearing the case against Gilani on Feb. 1.

Gilani's legal troubles are the latest blow for the civilian administration which also faces pressure from the military over a mysterious memo seeking U.S. help to avert an alleged coup last year.

Gilani won a unanimous vote of confidence in parliament when he became prime minister nearly four years ago, and has been known as a peacemaker even among the ruling Pakistan People's Party's most bitter enemies. Unlike Zardari, he was seen as having smooth ties with the military before the latest turmoil.

But his diplomatic skills may not be enough to fend off both the Supreme Court and Pakistan's generals, who have ruled the country for more than half of its 64 years history through coups, and from behind the scenes.

"The fact is that it's not just the anger of the judges against the PM, it's the anger of the army against the PM as well," said Ayesha Siddiqa, a prominent defense analyst.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.


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Friday, January 20, 2012

Is a 'No' on the Keystone XL Pipeline President Obama's Swan Song? (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama has given a "no" on the Keystone XL pipeline, according to Fox News. As a political scientist, I see this as one of the most desperate moments of Obama's time in office. If the Keystone pipeline falls through because of this move, it could be the swan song of this administration.

When Congress extended the payroll tax cut, the State Department was given 60 days to approve the Keystone XL pipeline route, which the department has been looking into for three years. The department, and Obama believe that two months more is not ample time to look into concerns, which have been stated by environmental groups. Right now, Canada is furious because of the wait to build the pipeline and create a strong energy transportation system.

President Obama has been getting heat from Republicans, Canada, labor unions and members of his own cabinet to get this project underway. If the Keystone XL pipeline does not get approved very soon, our neighbors to the north have threatened to take their business elsewhere. The possibility of lower gas in America and the number of jobs created by the program could make the president look very good.

While the State Department does not have the authority to completely kill the project, but President Obama has decline the current route. Canada might give up now and leave President Obama with egg on his face since everything fell through during his term. This gives loads of ammunition to the Republicans as we progress through this election year.

I can see the commercials now pointing out how Obama could not rope in the State Department over the Keystone XL pipeline. I can see the Republicans asking how we can trust a president who cannot run the government to run the country. At the same time, the potential jobs which would be created by the pipeline will become repeated over and over again. Pictures of gas pumps with excessive totals on them will remind us of how the president dropped the ball.

This is not a time to play party politics. Obama will now be held responsible for putting a huge chink in the armor the Keystone XL pipeline project. If Canada passes now, the president can count his days.


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Big Winners at the Golden Globes: Clooney and Streep, The Artist and The Descendants (

Paul Drinkwater / NBC / Handout / Reuters

Paul Drinkwater / NBC / Handout / Reuters

The cast of "The Artist", winner of the best comedy or musical motion picture, appear with their award at the 69th Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California Jan. 15, 2012.

George Clooney and Meryl Streep, as close to movie royalty as this post-star era can get, solidified their front-runner status in the Oscar race by taking the trophies for Best Actor and Actress in a Drama at Sunday evening?s 69th Golden Globes awards, presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. On a night for old stars (Christopher Plummer) and new stars (Michelle Williams), the big winners were the who? stars: actor Jean Dujardin and auteur Michel Hazanavicius for the unclassifiable, incomparable?and, on Oscar Night, possibly unbeatable?silent comedy The Artist. (Here?s the full list of winners, including the prizes for TV shows and stars, which we?ll let James Poniewozik attend to.)

The Golden Globes are an award show with the emphasis on Show. Zillions of the glamourati clog the tables and listen to the host, Ricky Gervais, insult them; imagine dinner at Newt Gingrich?s house, but with a swankier guest list. Standing in?front of a set dominated by purple curves, like amusement-park flume rides, Gervais played his naughty-boy card, He managed to libel Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster, the star of The Beaver, in one R-rated riff. (Foster courteously gave Gervais a thumbs-up instead of a finger.) He also jokingly maligned Ewan McGregor, Colin Firth and his own penis.?Taking Gervais?s dick jokes as a challenge, the presenting and winning stars joined in the ribaldry. Walking onstage with pretty?Kate Beckinsale, comic actor Seth Rogen, said, ?Hello, I?m Seth Rogen, and I am currently trying to conceal a massive erection.? And Clooney thanked?Michael Fassbender, who went impressively naked in his film Shame, ?for taking over the frontal-nudity responsibility that I had. Really, Michael, honestly, you can play golf like this, with your hands behind your back.?

(MORE: See blog of the Golden Globes)

Despite this surfeit of all-American kidding, the agency that bestows the Globes calls itself the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, so it?s appropriate that most of this year?s prize-winners were filmed far from Hollywood. The Descendants, made in Hawaii, matched Clooney?s award by winning Best Picture in the Drama category. Streep was named Best Actress in a Drama for starring in the Margaret Thatcher bio-pic The Iron Lady, filmed in London. Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy went to Williams for her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe?in My Week With Marilyn, also made in England. Olivia Spencer nabbed Supporting Actress for The Help, which was set and shot in Mississippi. Martin Scorsese took the Best Director award for?Hugo, set in a Paris train station and filmed in England; and Woody Allen got the Screenplay laurel for?Midnight in Paris. Steven Spielberg shot his Animated Feature prize-winner, The Adventures of Tintin, in New Zealand. W.E., for which Madonna won an Original Song prize, was made in Britain, France, Italy and New York City. The Foreign Language Film citation went to A Separation, from Iran?which, in the current geopolitical and Republican-primary climate, is about as foreign as a movie can get.

(MORE: See Corliss?s report on the Golden Globe nominations)

Indeed, aside from The Beginners?which won Plummer, the 82-year-old Canadian, a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor?the only one of this year?s Golden Globe movie winners to be made in L.A. was The Artist, a tribute by the Lithuanian-French writer-director Michel Hazanavicius to Hollywood?s silent movies. The Artist was named Best ?Comedy or Musical (it?s kind of both); Dujardin, the picture?s star, was Best Actor, and composer Ludovic Bourse won for his lively, sweeping, pastiche-y score. So foreign that the American Film Institute excluded the movie from its list of the year?s 10 best, yet so American that it was ineligible for any foreign-language tribute, The Artist now looks to be the front-runner for the one encomium it truly deserves: the Academy Award for Best Picture.

And in an implicit declaration of mainstream-movie vapidity, the HFPA gave virtually all the Globes?to the smaller, so-called ?indie? distributors. The Weinstein Company, whose boss Harvey Weinstein was called ?The Punisher? by Streep, won for The Artist, The Iron Lady,?My Week With Marilyn?and W.E.?Weinstein?s mortal rival Sony Pictures Classics notched wins for Midnight in Paris and A Separation. And Fox Searchlight can boast the two Descendants awards. Except for?The Help, released by Disney, and Paramount?s?Hugo?and?Tintin, the big Hollywood?studios got shut out.

(MORE: See The Artist at the top of TIME?s 10 Best Movies of 2011)

Lurking in a trough that connects two other prize-giving groups?the critics who review movies and the Motion Picture Academy members who make them?the HFPA mostly comprises part- and full-time movie journalists whose job is to get interviews with movie celebrities. The outfit?s shady provenance, which have included free junkets and schmoozing with the stars, allowed host Ricky Gervais to explain that ?The Golden Globes are to the Oscars what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton: a bit louder, a bit trashier, a bit drunker?and more easily bought. Allegedly. Nothing?s been proved.?

(MORE: Who are the Hollywood Foreign Press members?)

The HFPA can laugh off these jokes, all the way to the bank. NBC pays millions for the TV rights to the show, which lures most of Hollywood?s biggest names and most beautiful bodies to the Beverly Hilton Hotel ballroom to present or receive awards, or to sit for smiling or wincing reaction shots when Gervais sends barbs their way. No fools, the HFPA gave on-camera saving-face time to famous people (Spielberg, Scorsese, Ciccone) who are unlikely to be giving any more thank-you speeches this awards season.

The winners gave some of these acceptances the spin of grace and wit. Streep, who forgot to bring her spectacles onstage and had to wing it, said of The Iron Lady?that ?We made this for 25 cents in five minutes,? and praised not just the other nominees but Adepero Oduye, the young lead in the no-budget lesbian drama Pariah. (Like Gervais, Streep got bleeped for a profanity.) Morgan Freeman, given a lifetime achievement prize named for an old Hollywood showman, bowed to one of his presenters and added, ?Though they call it the Cecil B. De Mille award, in my house, it will also be known as the Sidney Poitier Award.??Ashgar Farhadi, director of A Separation, ditched thanking his family and coworkers, telling the American audience in the room and watching at home, ?I just prefer to say something about my people. They are a truly peace-loving people.?

(MORE: See Feifei Sun?s choices for the show?s Best and Worst Dressed)?

In the three-month publicity campaign that Hollywood wages before Oscar Night, the real function of the Globes is to remind Academy members that certain films and performances must be seen before they fill out their ballots. Handing out twice as many prizes in the Best Picture, Actor and Actress categories as the Academy does, the Globes often sets up two-film or -person races: The Descendants vs. The Artist, Clooney vs. Dujardin, Streep vs. Williams.

Since Oscar typically gives statuettes to Serious Films, not frivolous movies, the Globes? Best Comedy or Musical award is rarely a harbinger of the Academy?s top prize.?In the last 45 years, only three winners of the Comedy-Musical Golden Globe have gone on to win the Best Picture Oscar: Chicago, Shakespeare in Love?and that laff riot, Driving Miss Daisy. (The Foreign Press members? all-time most heartfelt winner in this category:?Green Card.) The Artist might seem to stand little chance with the Academy, which has never given its Best Picture award to a film quite as ?foreign? as this. Then again, it?s a movie that makes people smile, in any language; and Hazanavicius could again be joining Streep and Clooney onstage Oscar Night, Feb. 26. The mood will be more sedate, but the door prizes can?t be beat.


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FOR KIDS: The brain behind the game

Top athletes watch and learn from their teams, coaches and opponents

Web edition : 12:52 pm

With March Madness right around the corner, basketball-watching season is in full swing. People who play or watch the sport know that the right shot can make or break a game. A swoosh through the hoops may bring the thrill of victory; a backboard bounce may give a team another chance. ?

Devoted fans aren?t the only ones watching pro basketball players and other athletes. Though top jocks may be well known for using their bodies, scientists have found that athletes? brains also work hard while playing.? New data show athletes can?"see" and anticipate opponents moves differently than the fans?do.?

Visit the new?Science News for Kids?website?and read the full story:?The brain behind the game

Found in: Science News For Kids


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Students panic over Wikipedia's blackout: The best jokes (The Week)

New York ? The treasure trove of sometimes-correct information goes dark to protest SOPA, complicating homework assignments for a nation of tech-dependent pupils

Wikipedia's self-imposed shutdown Wednesday, meant?to encourage U.S. users to protest the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), has sent students conditioned to using the online encyclopedia into a frantic panic. Many have taken to Twitter to express their concerns: "I'm tryna tell y'all if they take away Wikipedia, I'm going to fail hella classes. No Bullsh*t," reads one tweet in Buzzfeed's roundup of "25 angry kids who can't do their homework because of the Wikipedia blackout." Of course, bloggers are cracking wise about a generation that has, apparently, never heard of a library card or Encyclopedia Britannica. Here, some of the best jokes:

Today is an important day, and not just because it's the day that "a number of huge internet properties band together in an unprecedented show of unity to defeat a common foe," says Jon Bershad at Mediaite. It's also apparently "the day right before that big History test."

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Old school
"One of my senior colleagues has informed me of something called Encyclopedia Britannica, which seems to be some sort of paper book (I know!) containing all sorts of facts," says Patrick Kingsley at the U.K.'s Guardian. The downside: It was published in 1989. "What is tattooed on the back of Megan Fox's neck? I couldn't tell you. Where was Arthur Scargill born? Now we're talking."

Drastic times, drastic measures
For today's high school students and college undergrads, the Wikipedia blackout means hearing a generation's most dreaded phrase, says Slate: "You may want to dust off your library cards."

Pretty please
Wikipedia, sometimes plagued by misinformation, is banned by many teachers. But it's still the most plagiarized website in high school papers, says Cynthia Boris at Market Pilgrim. It's "kind of ironic," then, that students are resorting to "begging teacher for an extended deadline on those book reports" in Wikipedia's absence.

SEE ALSO: Will Wikipedia's one-day blackout sink SOPA?


A fine example
It's not just students who are distraught, says Max Read at Gawker. Depressingly, a Twitter search has "found a bunch of teachers ? teachers ? whining that they couldn't do their lessons without Wikipedia."

Wake-up call
Well, this settles it, says Jeanne Sager at The Stir. Our "kids are useless in the face of adversity." Why on Earth are these tech-dependent "brats" freaking out over one little website? For heaven's sake, "Google is still up and running."?

SEE ALSO: LG's 'impossibly thin' TV set: 4 talking points?


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Clash of the Golden Globes Cleavage: Salma Hayek vs. Madonna

Salma Hayek and Madonna both gave new meaning to the term "Golden Globes" last night, donning outfits that accentuated their impressive bosoms.

First, Hayek appeared on stage to present an award alongside Antonio Banderas. We have no idea what it was for. Our attention was elsewhere.

Then, Madonna actually won a trophy for "Masterpiece," her original song from W.E. Again, we assume that was the case. We were focused on the breasts trying to escape from this singer's dress.

Take a close, long, hard look at both of these stars from the 2012 ceremony and weigh in now: Which did a better job accentuating her ample cleavage?


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