Saturday, November 24, 2012

Web Design Services ? Every Business Needs It ... - the brutal honesty

Friday, November 23rd, 2012 at 8:51 am ?

All the businesses today realize the value of web design to develop an online presence. Your website design has the power of bringing in new visitors as well as driving them away. Therefore, it is vital to hire good web design services for your company. Due to the wide popularity of Internet, the value of these services has become widely acknowledged. If you are still unsure why should hire a good web design company, then go through this article and you will be persuaded to hire one.

Better Navigating Interface

The website design service offers you ease of navigation that allows users to solve their queries more conveniently. These services ensure correct placement of page elements in the best places, which enables users to easily locate the information and files that they are searching for. This friendly interface and easy navigation gives a superb user experience to the visitor and the traffic directed to your web pages grows progressively and considerably.

Presentable Page Text

Clients are more inclined towards using websites that have clear and informative content. These services will assist you in putting the content on positions where it is conveniently viewable and readable by the site visitors.

People have shorter attention span on the internet and web development services understand this, so they place the correct amount of text on the right places where it is easy to read. Additionally, they take responsibility of placing useful content that will ensure good first impression as well as reasonable value of facts and figures.

Improved Exposure Through SEO

Great web design services provide you with outstanding search engine visibility. Regardless of how nicely the website is designed, it is worthless, if it can not reach the targeted audience. The SEO services provided by web designing services make sure that your website shows up in top results when particular keywords or phrases are entered in the search engines.

Quality Link Building

Establishing a quality network with the help of link building is vital as it enhances search engine ranking. Website design services provide quality link building network that allows you to obtain customers through various popular websites thus boosting your web traffic and search engine ranking.

More Services

Professional web services understand how they can make your company more useful to the visitors. They keep the potential customers in mind when designing the website and thus incorporate features that are usable to the website visitors.

Professional web design services provide custom designs which are suitable for your specific requirements. They first take time to understand the perspective of your company before putting special focus on the requirements of your customers in terms of accessibility and information.

There is no doubt that good web design is essential. The services mentioned above a just a few advantages of hiring a good company. Most web design companies offer you quality services at competitive and affordable prices. When selecting a company, you should ensure that you select a top quality provider.

Filed under: Marketing

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Wounded American tells of attack by Rome mob

Praxilla Trabattoni / NBC News

California native Nicholas Burnett, 20, stabbed in a pub in Rome where he was on his semester abroad studying at Temple University.

By Praxilla Trabattoni, NBC News

ROME -- An American college student suffered a foot-long stab wound and a punctured lung when a mob of up to 50 masked men armed with knives and baseball bats suddenly charged English soccer fans and others in a piazza in Italian capital Rome, he told NBC News.

Local media initially blamed Thursday's attack on hard core fans or ?Ultras? supporting soccer team Lazio -- who played English team Tottenham on Thursday -- but two fans of bitter rivals Roma were among a group of 15 detained for alleged involvement in attack, suggesting a different motive.

Witnesses told local media that the attackers shouted "Jews, Jews" as they laid siege to the bar in a district popular with tourists in an old quarter of Rome, raising fears of far-right, racist violence, Reuters reported.

Ten people were injured in the attack and 25-year old Ashley Mills, reportedly an English Tottenham supporter, was left in critical condition. Mills was still hospitalized on Friday, the wire service said.

Tried to run
Nicholas Burnett, 20, of Anaheim, Calif., told NBC News he was standing outside the bar with some friends when he saw ?40 to 50 storm into the piazza.?

At first, he said they looked "just like a bunch of guys wearing costumes," but the seriousness of the situation quickly became clear.

?Some were wearing helmets, others had scarves covering their faces and all of them were carrying weapons, of all sorts. Sticks, bats, wooden planks, some were swinging their thick belts with heavy buckles,? Burnett said.

?All of a sudden they started charging towards the bar. I tried to run away from them and one of the guys broke away from the crowd and took a swing at me over the head with what I though was a baseball bat,? he said.

?But judging by my wound it was not a baseball bat, but more like a knife. I ran as fast as I could away from them. ... A couple of minutes later, I realized I was bleeding when I touched my back and felt the T-shirt all wet,? he added.

Yara Nardi / Reuters

A pub is seen damaged after a fight in downtown Rome on Thursday.

As he fled, he met two students from John Cabot University, who tried to hail a taxi to take him to hospital, but the first driver ?refused to take me in his car because I was all bloodied and still bleeding profusely,? Burnett said.

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Burnett, who is on a semester abroad at Temple University in Rome, where he is studying business and Italian, was stabbed in the upper-right side of his back down to his left side, he told NBC. The stabbing punctured his right lung, he said.

?I had so many?stitches?that when I asked the doctors how many they were, they weren't even able to tell me. They simply said, ?Too many,?? he said.

'Very, very scared'
Burnett said he was initially unable to speak to the police because of the pain, but said he had been getting ?great care? from medical staff.

?I would like to tell my friends and family back at home that I am OK,? he said. ?Although I was very, very scared.?

Burnett said the attackers moved in unison like ?clockwork.?

?I don't know how they organized it so well, but that's what made it so scary ... to see them all coming at once threateningly waving what appeared to be makeshift weapons,? he said.

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He said the attackers were ?hurling anything they could find ...?including chairs, tables, stools, bottles, shards from the broken windowpanes, bottles, glasses,? he said.

Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno has expressed deep concern about the attack and said he hoped the police would quickly track down those responsible.

?We were all just having a drink, we weren't there for the football (soccer). I don't care for football at all and I don?t know anything about it,? Burnett said.

NBC News' Ian Johnston and Reuters contributed to this report.

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Father battled to save dying man after shooting in Bilblorough

A FATHER-of-three has described his horror after he fought to save a 28-year-old man who had been shot.
Police launched a murder enquiry after the man, believed to be Germaine Edwards, 28, of Bilborough, was found in Fairnley Road, Bilborough, at 5pm on Saturday.

    Police at the scene in Fairnley Road, Bilborough, after the incident

Mr Edwards, said to have had a baby with his partner only four weeks ago, was taken to the Queen's Medical Centre but later died.
A Home Office post-mortem examination yesterday revealed he died from a gunshot wound.
Police have arrested a 32-year-old man on suspicion of murder.
Martin Stout, who lives in Wigman Road, at the junction with Fairnley Road, was gardening when his 20-year-old son Jez ran home and told him someone had been shot.
Mr Stout said he ran across the road and told his son to call the emergency services.
"I could hear a lad shouting 'I've been shot, I've been shot'," he said.
"I found him lying in a front garden across the road. It was completely horrifying.
"I tried to keep him conscious by asking his name, age, and where he had been shot, because I couldn't see an actual wound on him.
"I turned him on both his sides and found a gunshot wound on his right side."
A police armed response team arrived and tried to help Mr Edwards to breathe.
Mr Stout added: "He kept saying 'I can't breathe', so they managed to put an airway in his mouth.
"And when he started losing consciousness they gave him CPR."
When the ambulance arrived Mr Stout helped to get Mr Edwards on the stretcher.
Mr Stout, who has three sons, aged 20, 25 and 30, said: "I didn't think at all in that moment. I just followed my instincts and tried to help the kid.
"The more I think about it, the more shocked I am. If it could happen to him, it could happen to anyone. I really feel for his family, my thoughts go out to them. I asked the police to pass on a message to his parents: 'If it's any consolation, he wasn't on his own in his last moments alive."
Saturday's incident drew residents on to the street, including Waseem Syed, of Wigman Road, who was at home when sister Rizwana Syed, 22, ran into the house screaming that someone had been shot. Mr Syed, 27, who ran outside, said: "When I got there, he was lying on the floor. It was dark, but I could see someone was massaging his chest and saying 'you're not breathing!'
"I've lived here for 12 years and never experienced anything like this."
Mr Syed's brother, Ali, 34, said he was struggling to make his children, aged 13, 12 and two, feel safe outside. "I can't believe this has happened."
A shop assistant at Premier Express, Chingford Road, described Mr Edwardsas "polite" and "decent".
Nottingham city councillor Derek Creswell, who represents Bilborough, said: "I can't remember the last time we had a shooting in Strelley, I've lived here 40 odd years and I'm surprised."
Graham Allen, MP for Nottingham North, said: "It's quite a peaceful area and I can't remember anything of this nature happening in the recent past."
New police crime commissioner Paddy Tipping said: "I think it's too early to comment until further enquiries have been made. Nottingham is safer than it's been for many years and we mustn't let fear of crime cloud our judgement about the safety of the city."
Superintendent Brian Beasley said: "Our enquiries are continuing to build up a picture of what happened last night but we still need to speak to anyone who might have seen or heard anything. Did you hear the sound of a firearm being discharged? We believe a silver Ford Fiesta carrying two or three men is linked to this death. Did you see it driving at speed or erratically through Bilborough, Wollaton, or Trowell.
"A vehicle matching the description was burnt out in the Cossall Lane area.
Call the incident room at West Bridgford on 0115 8446916 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


For some time now I've wanted to do a nation/civilization roleplay. But seeing as they are few and rare in creation, I'm looking to start one. I have no defined setting or any plot because those features can and should be tailor made for the group. What I do have is overall concept I have envisioned for the atmosphere.

Roleplaying will be done from the view of a lowly citizen, all the way up to generals or even gods making the big decisions. The roleplay will consist of intense war scenes as well as in depth dialogs. Players will create and determine every aspect of their nation like technology, economy, religion, etc... Depending on the scale of the roleplay, we could control entire planets waging war within a galaxy or gangs feuding over territory within a city.

Roleplays like this can be daunting for those who think they lack the knowledge on varying areas and on the other side, they can become extremely unbalanced. To prevent one and assist the other, I will be implementing a number

of predetermined statistics to choose from. When creating your nation, there you must decide how large your army is or how educated your people are. So I will present 5 options and the one chosen will represent that statistic. I will also limit how many of one option you can have; meaning, the 5 options will represent a spectrum: one end being the best or largest and the other being the worst or smallest. This will add a level of balance to the roleplay in a sense that while your army may be small, it may be more sophisticated technology wise.

I would also like resources to be monitored and not unlimited. Not to such an extent of being deep and literal, but I would like for every player to realize that your nation or planet won't have everything. For instance: let?s say your planet or country is barren and non-fertile, then you may want barter with an agricultural country. Or you may take another route and seek to enslave those people of that place and force them to provide for your own people. Things like this will encourage character interaction.

As I said before, everything as far as plot, setting, and genre can be decided collectively between the players who join. I am willing to make this futuristic, modern, historic, realistic, fantasy, or whatever else. It can be set locally to a sprawling metropolis, an unconquered world, or vast galaxy.

For this roleplay to truly work and be as fun as it can be, a large number of players are required. I think 10 would be the perfect number; however I will not set a cap. If anything, there will be a minimum requirement before I will even consider creating this roleplay. I know how finicky people can be and how random RL can become, so I won't to be fully prepared for the fluctuations.

Please post below if you find this interesting or have any questions, thoughts, or ideas. Also, I will be looking for a Co-GM so if you are interested, let me know.


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Monday, November 19, 2012

The Man Who Should Direct ?Star Wars? Says That He Won?t Direct ?Star Wars? On Twitter

We usually leave all science fiction- and movie-related news for Gamma Squad and Film Drunk, but those lazy drunks are sleeping off their mistakes from last night (they got together and watched Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot *shudder*), so we feel it?s our duty to studiously report: Y U NO DIRECT STAR WARZ, BRAD BIRD?

First, a bit of background on Bird: after creating the short-lived animated series Family Dog, he began working on The Simpsons, where he directed two episodes, ?Krusty Gets Busted? and ?Like Father, Like Clown,? and served as executive consultant for eight years. In 1999, he wrote and directed the EMOTIONAL animated classic The Iron Giant, which caught the eye of Pixar honcho John Lasseter, who collaborated with Bird on The Incredibles and Ratatouille. Last year, Bird proved he?s adept at live-action films, too, with Mission: Impossible ? Ghost Protes, and the Dubai scene is one of 54,924 reasons why he should direct Star Wars: Episode VII.

But yesterday on Twitter, Bird tweeted (ugh):

Oh well. Back to the Star Wars directing drawing board. I wonder if the guy who directed Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot is available?

Mom shot first.

(Via Twitter)


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Petraeus retains Robert Barnett, lawyer to political elite

(Reuters) - Former CIA Director General David Petraeus has hired a top Washington lawyer to help him navigate the fallout from a career-ending affair, Reuters has confirmed.

The lawyer, Robert Barnett of Williams & Connolly, is known for negotiating book deals for the political elite, from President Barack Obama to one-time vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Barnett will help Petraeus as he exits government, Reuters confirmed. The news was first reported by Politico, which said that no book is planned.

The Central Intelligence Agency, the Justice Department and Congress are investigating Petraeus' conduct over the extra-marital affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell.

The former four-star general has said his resignation was solely because of the affair and that he did not give classified information to Broadwell.

Barnett has been a partner at Williams & Connolly in Washington for 34 years, according to a biography of him posted on the firm's website. In that time, he has built an unconventional practice representing best-selling authors, political leaders, television news correspondents and other high-profile clients.

In addition to Obama and Palin, other authors he has represented include novelist Mary Higgins Clark and entertainer Barbra Streisand.

He has also helped former government officials from across the political spectrum navigate their return to private life, including former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, and former members of Congress.

He joined Williams & Connolly in 1975 and became a partner in 1978.

(Reporting by Jessica Dye in New York; Editing by Jackie Frank)


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Armed Gunman Burst Into North City Home, One Person Wounded ...

Posted on: 1:11 pm, November 18, 2012, by Staff Writer, updated on: 01:08pm, November 18, 2012

Home Invasion Shooting_generic

NORTH St. LOUIS, MO (KTVI)-St. Louis Police were called to the 1300 block of Blackstone for a shooting call around 10:45 Saturday night. The victims say three suspects kicked in the door of the home and ordered everyone out. ?A scuffle ensued and a 34 year old man was shot in the back. The other two victims in the house, a 58 year old woman and 83 year old woman, were not injured.

The suspects are all described as black males, around 6?2?, wearing masks and dark clothing, and all armed with guns.

Contraband and several guns were found in the house by police. ?The incident is under investigation.


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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stealth Survival: The Survival Kit Fixed Blade

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The Survival Kit Fixed Blade

When consideration is given to your options for a fixed blade in your survival kit, there is really only one clear choice. Since size and weight will be primary factors in building any type of survival kit, you will want to keep these to a minimum. The clear winner in this department will be the single edge razor blade. With its small and relatively compact size, negligible weight and extreme sharpness, the single edge razor blade is an ideal choice to give you a cutting edge in your compact survival kit. They?re also flat...which is a good thing. Single edge razor blades also make a great addition to your first aid kit. Got survival kit fixed blade? Staying above the water line!



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Best Android Games: Top 10 Game Apps For The Nexus 7, Nexus 10

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The 10 best Android games for the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tablets. (Photo: / robertnelson)

The Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 are two of the most popular tablets of the holiday season, and it's for a good reason. We concluded long ago that the Nexus 7 is the best tablet on the market when it comes to value, and similarly, we believe that the Nexus 10 offers a great value. Both offer excellent processing power, a high-resolution display and a humongous app market.

As great as the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 are in terms of hardware, the devices can't truly live up to their potential without the proper software. Although there are literally hundred of thousands of apps on the Google Play market, most tablet owners are interested in the best games available. With that in mind, we decided to create a list of the best games for Android.

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Here are the best games for the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10:

1) Dead Trigger (Free):?This game was pirated at such a high rate that the game's developer inevitably revoked the price. It's now free in the Google Play store, and it's instantly become a hallmark of mobile gaming. This classic zombie shooter has beautiful graphics and intuitive controls. If you want a blood-stained, high-intensity shooter, Dead Trigger is must-have.

2) ShadowGun ($4.99):?This third-person shooter was called one of the best-looking mobile games ever created by IGN, and we can't argue with that. This fast-paced shooter was optimized for the Tegra 3 processor, which means it looks especially gorgeous on the Nexus 7. If you're searching for a console gaming experience on the Nexus 7, you'll probably want to purchase this game.

3) Triple Town (FREE):?This puzzle game is beautifully designed and has incredibly unique and addictive gameplay. The purpose of this game is to build the largest city possible, and you do that by plotting out items. By connecting more than three of kind of any item, you'll slowly grow your town. Triple Town is completely original, and it's adorable villains and strategic-style gameplay will easily lure you in for hours.

4) Death Dome (FREE):?There aren't many fighting games available on Android, but Death Dome more than makes up for the lack of the genre. Build your character up with awesome weapons, shields and armor by killing enemies. Fight head-to-head against dozens of mutants and freaks using weapons never seen before in any game (such as jaguar latching onto a bee hive at the end of a stick). Death Dome gets straight to the point. If you're a fan of bloodshed, you'll want to have this game.

5) 100 Floors (FREE):?This is one of the most simple and also one of the most innovative mobile games on the market. Players try to reach to top floor of a 100 story building by solving riddles to open each elevator door. The riddles presented to players are of an incredible vareity and include mathematical, auditory and mechanical puzzles. If you've ever been a fan of puzzle solving, this is a game you must play.

6) Strikefleet Omega (FREE):?This strategy game asks users to command a fleet of armored ships to kill waves of incoming enemies. The campaign is well-developed and very easy to follow. The graphics look fantastic and all of the menus are extremely easy to navigate. Build your fleet by killing enemies over time. If you've ever been a fan of wave-based defensive strategy games, this is one that you must download. We think it's the best strategy game on Android, period.

7) Monster Pet Shop (FREE):?This is one of the best kid's games for Android, but it's just as fun to play if you're an adult. Monster Pet Shop is essentially a virtual pet game that allows users to breed and sell monsters as pets. The game requires users to breed unique (and adorable) monsters and sell them to store visitors. This game is simple, fun and great for tablets shared by family members.

8) Grabatron (FREE):?This game requires users to control a UFO in order to wreak havoc on an entire town. The UFO is equipped with a very powerful retractable claw that allows users to abduct innocent civilians and also pick up items that can later be thrown or smashed into tall buildings. The basic premise of Grabatron is to destroy everything, so if you're a fan of destruction and demolition, there's a great chance that you'll love this game.

9) Global Outbreak (FREE):?This game mixes elements of real-time strategies with elements of turn-based strategies. The premise of the game is built around a zombie outbreak. As one of the last humans alive, you're responsible for strategically battling outbreaks across the world. We think the graphics could be a little sharper, but aside from that, we had very few gripes with this game. Get it if you're a fan of real-time strategies or old RPGs.

10) Bad Piggies (FREE):?We hate to choose something so obvious, but we have to give credit where credit is due. Bad Piggies is extremely addictive, has great graphics and excellent physics considering the number of variables involved in the gameplay. Players are required to build contraptions out of a slew of parts in order to get a pig past a certain checkpoint. The options for building a contraption are almost limitless. If you like building things, you'll like Bad Piggies.

For tips, complaints and observations on all things digital, email us at tips [at]

? 2012 iDigitalTimes All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


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Gaza kids at risk in crowded urban battle zone

Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, right, and Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil, left, hold the body of a Palestinian boy they claim was killed in an Israeli strike on Gaza City, as they show the body to the media at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. Neighbors said the boy was killed in a blast around 8:30 a.m. Friday, around the time Kandil was entering the territory. Israel, which ordinarily confirms strikes, vociferously denied carrying out any form of attack in the area since the previous night. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hams, Pool)

Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, right, and Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil, left, hold the body of a Palestinian boy they claim was killed in an Israeli strike on Gaza City, as they show the body to the media at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. Neighbors said the boy was killed in a blast around 8:30 a.m. Friday, around the time Kandil was entering the territory. Israel, which ordinarily confirms strikes, vociferously denied carrying out any form of attack in the area since the previous night. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hams, Pool)

A medic carries the body of a Palestinian boy, who they claim was killed in an Israeli strike on Gaza City, to an event in which media were invited to cover the visit of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. Neighbors said the boy was killed in a blast around 8:30 a.m. Friday, around the time Kandil was entering the territory. Israel, which ordinarily confirms strikes, vociferously denied carrying out any form of attack in the area since the previous night. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hams, Pool)

The mother of 10-month-old Palestinian infant Haneen Tafesh holds the dead body of her daughter prior to a funeral in Jabaliya, north Gaza, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. According to hospital reports Tafesh died from wounds of an earlier Israeli strike. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

Palestinian children walk through a damaged mosque after an Israeli airstrike in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

A Palestinian child walks through a damaged mosque after an Israeli airstrike in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) ? The image of a dead preschooler cradled by the prime ministers of Egypt and Gaza in a hospital hallway has drawn attention to the dangers Gaza's children face in this crowded urban battle zone.

Children make up half of Gaza's population of 1.6 million and seem to be everywhere in the current round of cross-border fighting between Israel and Gaza's militant Hamas rulers.

Children loitered Friday outside a Gaza City morgue for a glance at the latest "martyrs." Others followed adults to funerals or even rushed to the site where Israeli missiles had just struck a government building and fire was still smoldering. Despite outward bravado, young boys of elementary school age said quietly that fear of airstrikes kept them awake at night.

So far, six of 28 Palestinians killed in Israel's offensive this week have been children, ranging in age from just under 1 to 14 years, according to Gaza health officials. Most were killed by shrapnel while in or near their homes. In Israel, 12 children were hurt in rocket attacks this week.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Hamas of using Gaza's civilians, particularly children, as human shields by launching rockets from crowded residential areas.

Gazans argue that Israel is unleashing massive airstrikes on their territory without regard for civilians. They say that even Israel's self-described surgical strikes on militant targets put civilians at grave risk in Gaza, one of the world's most densely populated places.

Mahmoud Sadallah, the 4-year-old Gaza boy whose death moved Egypt's prime minister to tears, was from the town of Jebaliya, close to Gaza City. The boy died Friday in hotly disputed circumstances.

The boy's aunt, Hanan Sadallah, and his grief-stricken father Iyad ? weak from crying and leaning on others to walk ? said Mahmoud was killed in an Israeli airstrike. Hamas security officials also made that claim.

Israel vehemently denied involvement, saying it had not carried out any attacks in the area at the time. Gaza's two leading human rights groups, which routinely investigate civilian deaths, withheld judgment, saying they were unable to reach the area because of continued danger.

Mahmoud's family said the boy was in an alley close to his home when he was killed, along with a man of about 20, but no one appeared to have witnessed the strike. The area showed signs that a projectile might have exploded there, with shrapnel marks in the walls of surrounding homes and a shattered kitchen window. But neighbors said local security officials quickly took what remained of the projectile, making it impossible to verify who fired it.

Mahmoud's 12-year-old cousin Fares was injured in the right leg by shrapnel and was still visibly shaken several hours after the incident. "It's terrifying. I don't sleep at night," the boy said of the massive Israeli air attacks of the past three days. "I'm staying up all night."

Mahmoud's body was taken to Gaza City's main Shifa hospital around midmorning, just as Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas was showing Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil around the wards of patients.

One of the Sadallah's neighbors, carrying the lifeless boy, pushed through a throng of Hamas security men to reach the politicians. Eventually, the two prime ministers were photographed cradling the child.

Fighting back tears, Kandil called on Israel to halt its offensive.

"What I saw today in the hospital, the wounded and the martyrs, the boy ... whose blood is still on my hands and clothes, is something that we cannot keep silent about," he said.

In the propaganda war between Israel and Hamas, the suffering of children has served as a powerful tool.

Israel has repeatedly accused Gaza militants of cynically exploiting children. Netanyahu alleged Thursday that "Hamas deliberately targets our children, and they deliberately place their rockets next to their children."

On Thursday, a rocket attack on an apartment building in the southern Israeli town of Kiryat Malachi wounded a baby and a 4-year-old child, along with killing three adults. Photos showed rescuers evacuating the baby, who was covered in blood. In addition, 10 children have been hurt by shrapnel, Israeli paramedics said.

The rockets fired from Gaza are relatively crude and Israel says their main purpose is to instill fear and harm Israeli civilians. Gaza militants have fired hundreds of rockets since Wednesday, paralyzing large areas of the country where civilians were ordered to stay close to home or bomb shelters. The fighting has forced tens of thousands of Israeli children to stay indoors, and schools in southern Israel have been closed for the past two days.

Israel, meanwhile, has pounded Gaza with dozens of rapid-fire airstrikes, with loud booms ringing out, sometimes just minutes apart. Few civilians ventured into the streets Friday, particularly after dark. In Gaza City, a tractor-pulled cart loaded with women and children had a white flag dragging on the ground behind it, presumably as an extra precaution.

Some of the Gaza boys trying to get close to the "action" put on a brave face.

"I'm not afraid of the rockets the Jews are firing," said 10-year-old Mohammed Bakr, waiting outside the Shifa Hospital morgue for bodies to arrive. But, he acknowledged, "I like it better when it's quiet."

Mohammed and his cousin, 12-year-old Udai, said they had seen many dead bodies, including during Israel's last major offensive in Gaza four years ago. Both boys come from large families, as is typical in Gaza ? Mohammed said he has nine siblings and Udai has six. Overwhelmed parents often find it difficult to keep tabs on all their children in dangerous times.

"Our parents tell us to stay home, but we don't," said Mohammed with a smile. "We want to see the martyrs."

Earlier, another group of boys tried to get closer to the ruins of a former Hamas government building, with smoke still rising from an Israeli strike. Hamas policemen tried to push them away, shouting that there was concern about unexploded ordnance.

Adults often pressure children not to show fear. Asked if they were scared, several boys waiting for Mahmoud's funeral procession to begin nodded. However, when an adult showed up and told them that Gazans are not afraid, they quickly stopped talking.

Child psychologists say the trauma of war stays with Gaza's children for a long time.

Hussam Nunu, the head of Gaza's Community Mental Health Program, said close to a third of the about 1,500 patients treated every year are children affected by stress and violence. After Israel's last offensive four years ago, the number of children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders was "overwhelming," he said.

"Since then we have done a lot of outreach, but when another escalation like this happens, our work can be undone," he said.


Associated Press Writer Lauren Bohn in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Saturday, November 17, 2012

NEWSFLASH: Lindsay Lohan Actually Paid a Debt

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Silvana D. Raso: Why Pets Matter In A Divorce

Many pet owners treat their pets as if they are their own children, whether it be a dog, cat, turtle or gerbil. For these owners, the pet is an integral part of the family. But owner beware: in my experience as a divorce attorney, the pet that you love and cherish on can easily be taken away from you in an instant if you are involved in a nasty divorce.

According to a quarter of respondents in a 2006 survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, pet custody cases have increased noticeably. So who gets Fido? If you think you are entitled to your pet because you think you love him/her more, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Your pet may be considered a member of the family but the courts think otherwise. In divorce cases, the harsh reality is that pets are treated as another piece of property that is being divided in the eventual settlement. Other factors such as veterinary bills, "visitation" rights to the pet, and miscellaneous expenses can turn a nasty divorce into a toxic one.

The best solution for you, your future ex-spouse and your pet is to settle custody and visitation privately to avoid having someone else with no emotional connections decide your pet's fate for you. How the custody is determined can vary greatly too. A judge in one case threatened to put a cat in the middle of a room and grant custody to whichever spouse the cat ran toward. The couple ended up determining custody privately.

Some couples cannot stand the thought of dealing with their ex and put the decision in the hands of the court. Before taking this leap though, here is what will be taken into consideration in a judge's decision:

Ownership: If one spouse owned the dog before the marriage, the dog will typically remain with that spouse when the marriage goes sour.

Primary care : If you are the one feeding your cat, walking your dog, cleaning after your fish or reptile, and can prove that you perform these tasks, then there is a better chance that the pet will remain with you. Additionally, if one spouse is never home due to a busy work or travel schedule, the other spouse is in a better position to claim the pet.

Best interests of the children: If a couple has children, the pets will go where the children go to prevent any further loss, pain or heartache.

Prenuptial agreement: If it was determined in your prenup who would get your pet in the event of a divorce, then there is no argument as to who Fido is going home with.

Remember, the court may not see your pet as a family member but you do. So when you introduce a pet into a marriage, consider all that is stake in the event of a divorce. Not only will you have a happier ending, but Fido will keep his tail wagging too.

Silvana D. Raso heads the family law practice at Englewood Cliffs, NJ-based Schepisi & McLaughlin, P.A. where she counsels clients in all areas of matrimonial and family law, including pet custody.


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Friday, November 16, 2012

Tenth of quirky creature's active genes are foreign: Believed to 'ingest' DNA from other simple organisms

ScienceDaily (Nov. 15, 2012) ? Up to 10 per cent of the active genes of an organism that has survived 80 million years without sex are foreign, a new study from the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London reveals. The asexual organism, the bdelloid rotifer, has acquired a tenth of its active genes from bacteria and other simple organisms like fungi and algae.

The findings were reported Nov. 15 in the journal PLoS Genetics.

Bdelloid rotifers are best known for going 80 million years without sex, as they have evolved to reproduce successfully without males. Many asexual creatures go extinct without the benefit of traditional genetic evolution. However, bdelloids have flourished by developing ingenious ways of overcoming the limitations of being asexual.

Bdelloids have also developed the fascinating ability to withstand almost complete desiccation when the freshwater pools they typically live in dry up. They can survive in the dry state for many years only to revive with no ill effect once water becomes available again.

"We were thrilled when we discovered that nearly 10 per cent of bdelloids' active genes are foreign, adding to the weirdness of an already odd little creature," said Professor Alan Tunnacliffe, lead author of the study from the University of Cambridge. "We don't know how the gene transfer occurs, but it almost certainly involves ingesting DNA in organic debris, which their environments are full of. Bdelloids will eat anything smaller than their heads!"

Because some of the foreign genes are activated when the bdelloids begin to dry out, the researchers believe that the genes play a role in bdelloids' ability to survive desiccation.

Professor Tunnacliffe added: "Other researchers have shown that bdelloids contain powerful antioxidants, which help protect them from the toxic oxidising agents that are the by-products of desiccation. These antioxidants have not yet been identified, but we think that some of them result from foreign genes."

For the study, the researchers extracted all of the messenger RNA (genetic code similar to DNA which provides a blueprint for the creation of proteins) from bdelloid rotifers and sequenced each message, creating a library of the animal's active coding information. Using a supercomputer, they then compared these messages with all other known sequences and found that in many cases similar sequences had been found in other organisms.

Strangely, however, these other organisms were often not animals, but simple microbes. This means that bdelloids have genes that are not present in other animals, but have been acquired from micro-organisms and adapted for use in the rotifer.

The research was funded by the Biotechnology and the Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the European Research Council.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Cambridge. The original story is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Chiara Boschetti, Adrian Carr, Alastair Crisp, Isobel Eyres, Yuan Wang-Koh, Esther Lubzens, Timothy G. Barraclough, Gos Micklem, Alan Tunnacliffe. Biochemical Diversification through Foreign Gene Expression in Bdelloid Rotifers. PLoS Genetics, 2012; 8 (11): e1003035 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003035

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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India v England - live!

146th over: India 469-6 (Pujara 176 Ashwin 9) Stuart Broad is coming back into the attack now. He bellows out a raucous appeal after his very first delivery, arms spread wide imploring the umpire. This is getting a little embarrassing. "That wouldn't have hit a third set of stumps," says Bumble. As if Broad didn't feel wronged enough already, Samit then fumbles his fielding and allows the ball to go through for two cheap runs. Broad gives him a filthy look, and for the second time this over, spreads his arms wide, this time to ask of his fielder "what the hell are you doing?"

145th over: India 467-6 (Pujara 176 Ashwin 7) Pujara cuts two out to the deep, a cute shot in an otherwise uninteresting over. "I'm not sure this qualifies 100% but it's as near as we will get,", says Chidananda. "I give you M. Framji of the Parsees' squad to England in 1886, the first representative Indian team abroad." Chapeau, Sir.

144th over: India 465-6 (Pujara 174 Ashwin 7) And this is the second - Pujara lofts a four over to the leg side off Patels' latest loose delivery. Other incomplete email contributions include assorted alphabetical Indian XIs running from G to P but failing to clear the hurdle of Q, from both A Prasanna.

143rd over: India 460-6 (Pujara 167 Ashwin 7) Ashwin finally does something other than prod and poke, and carts a four through mid-wicket with a rugged sort of sweep shot. That's the first boundary in 11 overs.

142nd over: India 455-6 (Pujara 167 Ashwin 3) We've reached the doldrums. India are idling along at one or two runs an over, and England are happy enough to let them do that. "OK Wise-guy," writes grumpy pedant John Wilson. "How many pedants does it take to change a light bulb?" Umm, you've neglected to include a punchline John.

141st over: India 453-6 (Pujara 167 Ashwin 2) Swann starts his 46th over with a ball that was full, up towards off stump. Pujara pushed it square for a single. And Ashwin adds another from the next. That's all, he wrote.

140th over: India 451-6 (Pujara 166 Ashwin 1) If Dhoni let him, I think Pujara would very happily bat through all three-and-a-half remaining days of this match.

139th over: India 450-6 (Pujara 165 Ashwin 1) Anyone in the market for 'warm, passionate, versatile, generous, imaginative and occasionally outrageous' former fast bowler?

138th over: India 447-6 (Pujara 164 Ashwin 1) Patel replaces Bresnan after a lengthy drinks breaks. "Basically India doesn't have Test cricketers with names starting with F or Q," says Shyam Sandilya. "Thus, we can never have an alphabetical order Indian test 11 unless enough Indian MBMers takes it upon themselve to redress this by changing their name (where applicable) and hope that their children do more than browse MBMs and make it as Test cricketers."

137th over: India 447-6 (Pujara 163 Ashwin 0) "Speaking of pedants" says Martin Dixon. "Who led the pedants' revolt?" Wait for it, wait for it, wait... "Which Tyler!" HONK!

136th over: India 445-6 (Pujara 161 Ashwin 0) Ashwin is in then, but that doesn't mean that England have an end open. He has a Test average just a shade under 40, and scored a century against the West Indies last year. Hallelujah, there's life in the old riff yet. "I give you Faiz Fazal," writes David Naylor. "Opener, but carries a handy bat. Double century in first class! Yes, it's 1:18am in the USA. No, I don't know why I'm awake and scraping through Cricinfo."

WICKET! Dhoni 5 b Swann (India 444-6) Dhoni's miserable little innings comes to an end, as he tries to sweep Swann, misses, and is bowled by a ball that ricocheted off his elbow into the stumps. Quadruple Nelson, umm, strikes again. Maybe.

135th over: India 441-5 (Pujara 157 Dhoni 5) Swann is on, replacing Patel. He appeals for an lbw off his second ball. It's no go. But moments later...

133rd over: India 441-5 (Pujara 157 Dhoni 5) A maiden over from Bresnan. "I'm not sure what's worse," harrumphs Guy Hornsby. "Waking up (phone on, OBO cranked up, TMS humming in the background) and finding India are only barely 5 down, or the fact I genuinely thought it was
Saturday. For a couple of minutes I was blissfully ignorant, but now the cruel truth has set in: England haven't got a chance have they? Oh, and I have to go to the bloody office. I have a face on like bad Jimmy." That's tragarious, Guy.

132nd over: India 441-5 (Pujara 157 Dhoni 5) Here comes success Bobby Smyth, bearing tea. "Pardon my pedantry," begins John Wilson. Nope, shan't. Can't abide pedants. Next!

131st over: India 439-5 (Pujara 156 Dhoni 4) Ugly shot from Dhoni, a chip into the off-side that just clears Swann's head in the outfield. The ran two while the ball is in the air. "There is no Indian test player with surname F," says Guru Rajan, bluntly. So ends one of the great riffs in the history of the OBO. Pujara thumps yet another four down the ground, and then swats a hook away for a single as Bresnan tries - and fails - to put him in his place with a short ball.

130th over: India 431-5 (Pujara 150 Dhoni 2) And there is 150 for Pujara. Well played, sir. "I didn't want to have names like Eknath Solakar in there for E when I am only using last names for the rest of the players," explains Shyam Sandily in defence of his haphazard alphabetical team." Similarly Badrinath isn't an opening batsman so I didn't go for him. I guess I was taking the prospective match between these two teams a a little too seriously and concentrated a little too hard on having a kick ass side." Nevermind all that, Shyam, i'm that if you can't come up with an Indian batsman who has a surname that begins with F then you forfeit the match by fielding an incomplete XI.

129th over: India 430-5 (Pujara 149 Dhoni 2) Pujara whips four through mid-wicket off the second ball of Patel's over, and takes a single off the fifth to move to within one run of his 150.

128th over: India 425-5 (Pujara 144 Dhoni 2) "I assume the subtext to your rant re Kimber is the Special/Sofa spat?" writes Alan White. "I have to say I found the attitudes of the grandees various baffling. It's not like they're under any threat from the Sofa. By contrast, print journalists could argue their livelihoods are directly threatened by bloggers, yet they champion them as you just have. Thoughts?" I wasn't referring to that, no. But I wrote something on it for The Spin a short while back. Not all journalists champion bloggers, believe me. As the TMSpecial crowd showed, cricket has more than its fair share of crusty old stick in the muds. But for what it is worth, I love TMSpecial, and have never bothered with the Sofa, simply because I've never felt the need for an alternative. And, while Agnew and CMJ, were undoubtedly being much too precious they do have a point that the BBC pay for the right to do radio commentary, whereas the Sofa do not. Like us, they commentate off the TV. The difference is that no one else for the right to do text commentary, so we're not treading on any toes.

127th over: India 423-5 (Pujara 143 Dhoni 1) Four more for Pujara, who has been utterly unruffled since the very early overs of the day. This is a man who has made four triple centuries in his career, in age group and first class cricket, and if anyone has the mind to stay there with him he could well be on his way to something sizeable here. Samit is bowling over the wicket to Pujara, trying to turn the ball from the rough outside his leg stump. What do we need now, an 'F'. And do you know, I think I am stuck. An Indian batsman whose surname begin with an 'F', anyone?

126th over: India 417-5 (Pujara 137 Dhoni 1) Dhoni, dude that he is, has come out to bat in a baseball cap. Cook responds by bringing Bresnan into the attack, and, disappointingly, Dhoni duly dons a proper helmet. I'm afraid that half my brain capacity, which was already fairly minimal at the moment given my lack of sleep, is now occupied with trying to arrange an alphabetical Indian XI. You really should have done it properly Shyam, then I would have been spared the trouble. Let's see, what do we need next, an E? Well, that'll be Farokh Engineer, I guess, batting a touch high for a 'keeper at No4.

WICKET! Yuvraj 74 c Swann b Patel (India 413-4) Well, that's one of the worst, weakest, dismissals I have ever seen. Samit has the good grace not to celebrate it, or do anything much other than look very diffident indeed. He served up the single most disgusting delivery we have seen in this match so far, a belly-high full toss, and Yuvi whacked it straight to Swann at long-on. That, to use Dan Stagg's neologism, was hilagic. "That's one way to do it," chortles Bumble, "doesn't matter if the pitch is flat if you don't land the ball on it."

124th over: India 411-4 (Pujara 133, Yuvraj 73) Shyam Sandilya has sent me a Alphabetical Indian XI to take on Richard Parks two England teams from a few overs ago. The trouble is Shyam, you need to do more than simply list the team in alphabetical order from 1 to 11. You need a batsman beginning with 'A', and you have one in Amarnath, but you can't just skip to Chauhan and on to Ganguly. That's not how it works. So You could go Amarnath, Badrinath, Chauhan, Dravid, for instance. Sheesh, this feels a little like killing a stone dead joke by laboriously explaining the punchline.

123rd over: India 411-4 (Pujara 133, Yuvraj 73) And Samit starts at the other end. His first ball beats Yuvraj, and Prior gathers it and whips off the bails. He thinks he may have stumped Yuvi here, though no one else seems to agree with him, least of all the video reply. "Referring to Harry Tuttle's e-mail of over 116 and one of Smyth's riffs yesterday, I think the OBO requires its own portmanteau, 'hilagedy', into which the vast majority of contributions from OBO world reassuringly fit," suggests Dan Stagg, in a truly inspired email. "Also, could Giles Chapman expand on his idea of getting a UK IP address. I really wasn't prepared for the loss of TMS when emigrating, innocently assuming I could just listen online. My hilagic world would be complete if I could mute Shrastri, Collingwood and co and listen to Aggers and the gang, whilst watching the pictures on the otherwise evil Fox Sports and reading the OBO. All whilst working diligently mind. And women say we can't multi-task, I say they just set us the wrong tasks to multi."

122nd over: India 411-4 (Pujara 133, Yuvraj 73) Pietersen bowls the first over after lunch, and it costs just a single.

Rant over.

Ten years ago we'd never have got to read a take like that one on this match. And if Jarrod had wanted to go into sports journalism he'd have to have done it the old way, working his way up, which would, in all likelihood, have drummed all the originality and colour out of his writing. These days, the interweb provides us with instant access to the inane opinions of multitudinous idiots. But it also gives us the likes of Jarrod, Wisden Extra, The Old Batsman, and yes, the OBO. And that's a very good thing for those of us who love reading and writing about the game.

The best of the many takes I read on yesterday's play, for instance, didn't come from a broadsheet or any of the really well-known correspondents, but from Jarrod Kimber, the man behind Cricket With Balls. This is what Jarrod had to say on his blog on Cricinfo:

England got to the top of the world by being more professional than every other team in the world. Their selections were impeccable. Everyone did their job. They made each other better. Strangled with the ball, dulled with the bat, took all chances. Preparation was key.

But in this match:

They fielded. And it was bad. Matt Prior's keeping looked like the Matt Prior of the bad old days. Jonathan Trott seemed surprised at slip. And Jimmy Anderson seemed to be looking at Cheteshwar Pujara's lofted mistake like he had 2D eyes. They were the chances they missed. But there was also a look of flatness about them. Some balls were shepherded to the boundary. Dives were made just to prove they had dived. And the energy was low.


England may still salvage this Test, although it's pretty doubtful. They might even win the series. But they won't do either without what got them there in the first place. And perhaps they can't. Things change. Right at the moment England look more like a middling side with issues than a team about to storm back to No. 1.

I was talking to Booth just yesterday, in fact, praising him for the brilliant Wisden Extra magazine. If you haven't seen it, do have a look. It looks great, and reads well. You can get your free PDF copy here. Between Wisden Extra, Wisden India, Cricinfo under the excellent editorship of Sambit Bal, and one or two very good amateur blogs like The Old Batsman and Cricket With Balls, along with all the excellent content produced by the guardian and the other papers, I was wondering whether this isn't actually a bit of a golden era for cricket writing. It's a curious but heartening thought that, given that cricket is a game that is prone to nostalgia and that, generally, the state of sports journalism isn't all that healthy right now.

A shameless plug A shameless plug from OBO readers Tom Wells and Alan Curr, from the ground in Ahmedabad

A shameless plug, this: "Morning Andy," writes Tom Wells. "I know you're not using photos of the game so thought you might welcome a photo from the ground. I'm sat next to Alan Curr, who wrote a book about playing cricket on Everest (available at some good booksellers). The foreword is by one Lawrence Booth." Booth? The old foreward whore. The thing that I love most about this is that Alan seems to have chosen to take his own book with him as his holiday reading.


There was a moment in that session, around 40 minutes in, when you realised that England had already given all they had to give for that particular round. They threw a few hard blows early on, but none of them landed. Deflated, and exhausted, they seemed to spend the rest of the the time leaning back on the ropes, covering up and clinging on, saving themselves to try and attack again later in the day.

121st over: India 410-4 (Pujara 133, Yuvraj 71) It may be the last over before lunch, but Yuvraj doesn't think twice when he sees that Swann has dropped a delivery just a little short. He clobbers it over mid-on for four. His century is starting to look - and feel - inevitable now. After a single, Pujara plays out the rest of the over and everyone troops off.

120th over: India 405-4 (Pujara 133, Yuvraj 66) "Probably England were still working on KP's 're-integration process' as a bowler," scoffs Anurag Pandey. "I believe this process is now complete making him available for bowling in a Test match."

119th over: India 402-4 (Pujara 132, Yuvraj 65) Swann comes back on, for a final short spell before lunch. "As a Singapore resident, I was seriously contemplating getting SingTel's cable TV and maybe a UK IP address so I could listen to Test Match Special at the same for this series," says Giles Chapman, who is evidently a seriously committed cricket fan. "Glad I saw sense and decided against both. The money I save on those I can spend on drinking to forget it's happening at all."

118th over: India 400-4 (Pujara 131, Yuvraj 64) And here is Pietersen, to bowl to Yuvraj from around the wicket. "Come on Pilgrim!" shouts Matt Prior, who seems to have coined a new nickname for KP. Pietersen has Yuvraj in a little trouble with two consecutive balls here, one that bat the bat, and the other that slipped off the inside edge. Now, KP isn't going to bowl India out here, and he'll certainly give up some runs, but he might well get a wicket too given that he does make the ball bounce and turn. I'm a little surprised that it has taken Cook so long to bring him on. It's a maiden.

117th over: India 400-4 (Pujara 131, Yuvraj 64) Harry, that last email wasn't hilarious at all, but it was very, very good. That's the 400, then. "How many runs do they want?" says Chris Bourne, reminding me of what I wrote in over 112. "If they can, they will bat until the pitch starts to break up. There's no point declaring while the track is still flat. Which probably means they will bat until tomorrow morning and declare on 650 or so. Horrible, isn't it?"

116th over: India 398-4 (Pujara 128, Yuvraj 63) "Hilariously," begins Harry Tuttle, and I sense he doesn't mean it in the sense of 'what I am about to say is really quite funny' so much as he does 'what I am about to say is spirit-sappingly sad, and makes me feel more pain than I care to admit in public'. You know, it's a "hilariously" that is prefacing something that isn't funny so much as it is tragic. Yes, hilarious tragedy. Like so much else in an English cricket fan's life. So... "Hilariously I stayed up for this, after watching the first day and then going to work. I told myself that we still had a chance, that with our bowlers India all out for 450 was possible. But that's not going to happen. India are going to declare after Tea. I was mad to think that. Mad - because I believed in those rigorous 'truths' that had flown around in the build-up to this series. The Flower set-up has its principles, and they have served them so well in the past that it has made sense to cling to those principles. But those principles are creaky now, they're positively schlerotic. We can't keep swanning into every environment refusing to acknowledge the conditions. That is foolish, even complacent. What was once reasonable becomes dogma. Add in the fact that England have been keen to emphasise how absolute their preparation for this series has been, and it's no exaggeration to say they're not batting to save the game from first innings on, they're batting to save face."

115th over: India 398-4 (Pujara 128, Yuvraj 63) Boy, Yuvraj has nothing but contempt for Samit's bowling. he clobbers a pull out to mid-wicket. The ball plugged in the outfield, so he didn't get many for it, but it was a disdainful stroke indeed. Bell wears one at silly point, this time on his shin. He was hit in the chest when he was at short leg yesterday, and got bashed on the fingers when he misfielded at cover a little earlier on. The man must be black and blue.

114th over: India 396-4 (Pujara 127, Yuvraj 63) Nasser Hussain is suggesting giving Kevin Pietersen a bowl, and I rather agree with him. In these circumstances, and on this pitch, he's worth a look at least. He gives it a rip, and I reckon he'd rather relish bowling to Yuvraj. He has a fertile mind, though, does Nasser, he is now suggesting that Duncan Fletcher and MS Dhoni have ordered the groundstaff to prepare not only a spinning pitch, but a lush green outfield to hinder the ability of the English bowlers to scuzz up the ball and get any reverse swing. I think Nasser might have gone through the looking glass on that one.

113th over: India 393-4 (Pujara 126, Yuvraj 62) Just like yesterday, the simple truth is that when Swann isn't bowling, England don't look like being able to take a wicket. And it's not only that Samit poses much less threat, is that the batsmen are more comfortable at the crease and score more easily against the quicks at the other end because there just isn't so much pressure on them. Yuvraj swats another six, this one down the ground.

112th over: India 385-4 (Pujara 124, Yuvraj 54) I wonder how many India want here? Maybe they don't have a total in mind at all, but simply want to bat on till they're all out. Here, at last, is Tim Bresnan, bowling his first over since before Tea yesterday. Pujara punches a drive straight through Ian Bell at extra cover, the fielder's hands buckling like soggy cardboard.

111th over: India 383-4 (Pujara 124, Yuvraj 54) These two have out on 100 runs together now.

110th over: India 382-4 (Pujara 123, Yuvraj 54) "Jon Siu's thinking (105th over) is indeed excellent," says Sara Torvalds. "And if Australia are favourites for the Ashes, that means England might have a chance, right?"

109th over: India 380-4 (Pujara 122, Yuvraj 53) This is, without doubt, my favourite email of the series so far, from Richard Parks, because it is exactly the kind of desperately sad thing I do myself. And don't worry, you aren't missing anything while you read it, just another mediocre over from Samit. "Trying to get to sleep the other night I came up with two All-England Teams, in batting order. I fell asleep wrangling with the N and O problems, in both of which I cheated, and without having found a Q (Willie Quaife, anyone? Thanks, Wikipedia!). Atherton, Boycott, Compton, Dexter, Edrich, French (wkt) Greig, Harmison, Illingworth, (capt) Jones, Knight. Or: Lloyd, Milburn, Nawab (of Pataudi), Oliveira, Pietersen, Ranjitsinjhi, Stewart (wkt, capt), Tyson, Underwood, Voce, Willis. Which one has your money?" Oof, difficult. the A-K side has a much stronger batting line-up, but that advantage is matched by the one held by the bowlers of the other lot.

108th over: India 375-4 (Pujara 118, Yuvraj 52) It is wonderful to see Yuvraj back in this side after he had to take all that time out to recover from cancer. But perhaps he could get out now. Beacuse if he stays in much longer this is going to get very ugly indeed for England. Actually, I'm just a little uneasy about how the story of his recovery is being presented. Yuvi made it clear quite early on that he expected to be able to beat the disease, but as soon as we hear the c-word some people in the media tend to lay the sentiment on a little thick. And I say that as someone who lost a parent to the disease. Anyway. Another maiden from Anderson.

107th over: India 375-4 (Pujara 118, Yuvraj 52) Patel is coming into the attack now. Tim Bresnan has bowled all of ten overs in this innings so far, and you have to wonder what the hell he is doing in the team. Samit serves up an all-you-can-eat full toss, and Yuvi tucks in, stepping down the pitch and slapping it for four through mid-wicket. The cameras cut to Duncan Fletcher, and behind his shades, we can just see the glimmer of a satisfied twinkle in his eye. He's still not smiling, mind. Pujara glances the final ball of the over away square for three.

106th over: India 366-4 (Pujara 115, Yuvraj 47) Pujara eases a single to fine leg, Yuvi knocks another away square, and that, ladies and gents, is drinks.

105th over: India 365-4 (Pujara 114, Yuvraj 46) Jon Siu has the right idea. With England facing an almighty shellacking here, he's already mentally moving on to the Ashes, which, after all, is all us English really care about anyway. *Cough*. "Whilst we're on the subject of Australia, are you keeping up with the Aus vs SA series? The Test at the Gabba had the dual negative of making Australia look good (despite SA's brilliant attack, they couldn't bowl Australia out) and making us, England, look bad (given how convincingly SA beat us last summer). I don't rate this Australian team, but if Australia win against SA and we lose against India, do you think that would make Australia favourites for the Ashes?"

104th over: India 363-4 (Pujara 113, Yuvraj 45) Anderson is in the thick of an excellent spell. This was another maiden, which means his three overs so far have cost just a single run.

103rd over: India 363-4 (Pujara 113, Yuvraj 45) Yuvraj tries a sweep, gets it wrong, and squirts a top-edge over to the off-side for two runs. Swann's next is going to be his 40th over. England are going to have to pick Monty Panesar in the next match, simply to give Swann some more support. The man has a chronic shoulder injury, and at this rate he's not going to make to the fourth day, never mind the fourth Test.

102nd over: India 361-4 (Pujara 113, Yuvraj 43) Yuvrag nudges a single away square, the only run Anderson has given up in another good, tight over. England's bowlers seem a lot clearer about what they are trying to do today. Yesterday it felt like they were unsure whether they were supposed to be taking wickets with short balls and reverse swing, or simply bowling dry and tying up one end while Swann worked at the other. Between two stools, they fell arse-down on the floor.

101st over: India 360-4 (Pujara 113, Yuvraj 42) "Muhahahaha!" cackles Aatman Chaudhary. "Sweet, sweet revenge, I may be putting my foot in my mouth, but this is surely India's game now. Plus, the fact that Stu is looking less and less like the inswing-outswing hat trick demigod that he became in England is the icing on the cake." Yup, him and Jimmy both. In fact, the form of all England's seam bowlers seems to have tailed off a little over the last 12 months, as has the quality of their fielding. Still, much as I agree with you about this being India's match, I'm going to stand by the old rule that we have to wait to see both teams bat before we judge. We've reason to think England's batsman are a hapless bunch of clowns when it comes facing spin, but at the same time they can bat very, very long - Trott, Compton, Cook - and very, very deep, with an 8, 9, 10 of Bresnan, Broad, and Swann.

100th over: India 360-4 (Pujara 109, Yuvraj 42) Swann and Broad are both fuming now having both had appeals turned down. India have toughed out the first 40 minutes with the new ball, and are starting to take control of the session. So, Cook yanks Broad from the attack and brings on Jimmy Anderson, who has a little strapping on his heel today. Still, it is an excellent first over, a maiden.

99th over: India 360-4 (Pujara 113, Yuvraj 42) I don't imagine for a minute Andrew Strauss is sitting in an armchair somewhere in the home counties with his feet up watching this on TV, but if he is he could be forgiven for allowing himself just a little smile right now. Because this is hard and thankless work for Cook and his team. Pujara slices an edge past the slip, and it runs away for four. The cameras close in on Cook stroking his chin. Moments later, Swann rips one from outside off stump back in towards Pujara's stumps. He appeals, ferociously, but umpire Hill shakes his head. Swann is furious. If he had the DRS here, he would certainly have reviewed that. Bumble astutely points out that the lack of the DRS is going to subtly change the game because, even allowing for umpires being more generous towards the bowlers these days, it is going to allow the batsmen to kick the ball away much more than they would otherwise.

98th over: India 356-4 (Pujara 109, Yuvraj 42) Broad flings down a bouncer, but it rises like one of my Yorkshire puddings, and Yuvi smears it off his hip to mid-wicket for four. He beats the bat with the sixth ball, but it was outside the line of off stump and Yuvi was playing a shot, so Broad was shouting in vain. This boy needs a refresher course in the rules of the game. "I recently persuaded/tricked my wife into agreeing to our subscription for Fox," says Paul Tooby. "And if James Austin is in Melbourne he might as well get some use out of my telly tonight while I'm at a dinner party with a bunch of people who don't like cricket. Heathens."

97th over: India 350-4 (Pujara 108, Yuvraj 37) Swann bustles through another over.

96th over: India 346-4 (Pujara 106, Yuvraj 35) The Guardian's Australian contingent of readers all seem a little unsure about the morality of subscribing to Fox just to watch the cricket. Can't think why. "If you're happy pumping cash into the 'humble' old man that is this nation's most shameful export, you can watch the cricket on Fox Sports 2," says Peter Mattessi. What's Martin McCague got to do with it?

95th over: India 346-4 (Pujara 106, Yuvraj 35) Broad comes around the wicket to Yuvraj, pinning him down with a series of straight balls that slant in towards off-stump. A good over, this one, almost making amends for the last. "You were not alone in you early morning malfunction," Phil Withall tells me. "Apparently Bumble set his alarm for 2.45 pm."

94th over: India 345-4 (Pujara 105, Yuvraj 35) That seems to have eased the pressure out there. Pujara breaks Swann's run of dot balls by punching four down the ground, and then strolls a single. H'm. This looks ominous. Yuvraj unshackles himself and slaps a six down to long-off, and sweeps another lofted shot out to mid-wicket. The ball was only a fingernail's width away from being another six. Swann's over cost 15. A public service announcement for our Australian brethren, from Grant Cartlidge: "Tell James Austin that the cricket is live on Fox Sports 2 in Aus. Most pubs will have it on, if only to show England toiling." Then, I guess, North Korean style, the screens will black out and start showing highlights of the 2007 Ashes when England start doing well again.

93rd over: India 330-4 (Pujara 100, Yuvraj 25) Pujara gets his hundred, but he hardly pauses to celebrate it, a brief wave of the bat, a quick shake of the hand, and a short swig of water, and he returns to his work. It took him 190 balls. He's a hell of a player, this lad. "Forgive me for pressing, Andy," asks Harry Tuttle. "But it seems to me you were bang on time, not an hour late. Unless you have to take an hour to strap yourself into some unwieldy contraption at OBO Towers; I always imagined you watched a big telly in a comfy chair and typed what you saw on a mac. By all means set me right." But what about my lavish preamble, Harry? My carefully sculpted 1,000 word introduction to today's play, with it's insightful and nuanced explanation of the play. replete with allusions to Ezra Pound's Cantos and sly satirical references to the David Petraeus scandal? Standards, man.

93rd over: India 328-4 (Pujara 99, Yuvraj 24) So, Pujara needs one run to reach his second Test hundred. And he'll have to do it with the dulcet tones of Matt Prior ringing around his earhole. There's lots of chatter from England out there this morning. That's a good sign. They seemed a little flat yesterday. Pujara looks a little twitchy, scuffs a glance to square leg, and survives another LBW appeal. Another maiden.

92nd over: India 328-4 (Pujara 99, Yuvraj 24) Stuart Broad starts at the other end, bowling to a split field with a single slip. He'll be looking to bowl wicket-to-wicket then. Pujara probably slept as fitfully as your correspondent, 98 not out as he was overnight. He moves to 99 with a single. Broad then makes a desperate appeal against Yuvi for a ball that pitched six inches outside leg stump and ran away for four leg byes. "Nice to see you've got up at last. I've been waiting for OBO to come up for hours," writes James Austin. "Admittedly that's because I'm in Australia and yet to come to terms with the time difference yet (which also accounts for my complete confusion with ringing home and getting bleary eyed people angrily responding) but anyways: HOW DARE YOU GET UP SO LATE. So I have two questions for you: a) Where can I watch the test on Australian TV?" [Umm, I'm guessing you can't] "b) How did Patel do yesterday - I note Swann got wickets and I would have expected Patel to get some as well considering he's the 'other' spinner. He got a goodly number of overs and kept the run rate down but did he offer any threat. Could he become an England all-rounder for the future?" Patel did well, in his way, he's just not a good enough bowler to trouble Indian batsmen, even on a pitch like this. He has all the menace of Pudsey the bear. In fact his physique means he looks a little like Pudsey too. The man is a part-timer, picked as much for his form with the bat as his ability with the ball.

91st over: India 323-4 (Pujara 98, Yuvraj 24) Swann, who willed England into this match and kept them in it with his skill alone, opens the bowling from around the wicket to Yuvraj. The second ball beats the bat, as Yuvi attempts a sweep, and draws forth an LBW appeal from the lips of Swann and Prior. It's a maiden.

Talking of schoolboy mistakes, we saw a few from England yesterday. But I'm afraid that immaculate segue is all you're going to get to see of the lovely little preamble I had cooked up for you in my mind while I was on my way here, because Yuvraj and Pujara are on their way to the middle, and play is about to start.

It was such a schoolboy mistake. I rolled over, looked at the alarm ringing on my phone, and let my thumb dally over the 'snooze' button and then thought, 'no, I'll be up in a moment anyway.' So I turned it off. And woke again, with a start and - yes, I'll admit it, a shrill, girlish shriek - at 3.35am. A twenty minute sprint later, here I am. Just in time for the start of play. Honestly. I was four hours early yesterday, and an hour late today. You'd think I was an absolute beginner.


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