Wednesday, January 25, 2012

[OOC] Bad Hands | Profile Makin' & FAQ!

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This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.

Please post all "Players Wanted" threads in the Roleplayers Wanted forum!

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Bad Hands?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
[I'd like an index here but we'd need actual FAQ threads to link to, first. xDDD]

Full name:

Wudge's Guide to a Plus Profile!

That's Tae's idea of a title. Not mine. Ain't she sho clever.

Ah~hem~hem~hem. Greetings! Wudge here, your delicious co-gummy, reporting for duty. It seems mighty unfair to throw you guys into the judging fray without any idea of what we're looking for, so I'm here to sorta rectify that. Belated though this is. I'M SORRRRYYYYYYYYYY

(No fancy formatting until demanded. Also Tae has the right to completely rewrite everything and demand I post her version. Might be updated!)

And yeah, I did cheat and pull a few from a nearby elsewhere, sue me.


  • Be Open-Minded!~ An agreeable attitude goes a looong way. xD Your character just barely meeting the requirements? I let you in anyway! Because you're so damned cool....!! >///0///<;;;
    But seriously, acting like a sourpuss when we point something out as "not working" or just plain failing to suspend disbelief; being overly defensive and taking everything personally... no one likes that. So avoid doing it if you're sincere about wanting to get in.
  • Life. Trick me into believing your OC is out there wandering the streets. Make him real and believable. Try to not pull too much from yourself, because the Wudge does not like self-inserts, but we want our suspension of disbelief to remain suspended please! "Round" and "depth" are two words you should love and invite over for dinner on a daily basis.
  • Originality. Look at what other people are doing, and be as different from them as possible. We want special snowflakes here. I don't mean you have the right to make your OC overpowered in any damned way, I mean they should stand out from the crowd. But Wudge!! You just said you wanted him to be realistic...! Yeah, find a way to balance the two, because they're equally important. Stand out from the roleplay world, blend into reality: That's your goal.
  • Go get plastic surgery: attach an annoying little brother to your arm. You will need his constant "Why?"s and "How?"s. Try to always have a reason your character is the way he is. Back shit up with more shit. You are piloting a fail boat upside down if you put one-word responses to more than five fields in the character skeleton. DEEEETAAAAAIIIILLL! It will only help!
  • Try not to let your character be "the best" at anything. No, not even bowling. Though if they're just so narcissistic they only think they're godly at things, and that's fine and dandy!
  • Don't overdo the trauma llama. Angst and drama fuel for no reason are just... no. Please. I mean it. It's been done to death. Enough with the being raped by family, enough with the long lost cheating lovers, enough with the dead wife and kids and parents, enough with inexplicably regretting inexplicable violent tendencies, just stoooooop.
  • DON'T FUCK WITH THE NPCS. H'okay, Wudge, calm down now.... But both on the profile and in the rp: NPCs are people, too, guys. Just because they're not in the spotlight, doesn't mean they're all mindless drones. They are not all in love with your character. They are not all afraid of your character. They are not all gullible and stupid guardsmen who are knocked out with a mere roundhouse kick. Treat them with at least a little respect, from you as a roleplayer. In fact, I'd strongly advise you to just leave NPC-ing to me and Tae, or else dabble with them as little as possible.
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